- 14
- 2
EK79686 is required for the 2.7" ePaper display
#78 opened by ZigTag - 1
Missing Type Annotations
#56 opened by FoamyGuy - 0
New TypeError introduced in v2.11.2
#76 opened by mikeysklar - 2
SPI write_readinto Not implemented Blinka U2IF
#60 opened by markbirss - 3
- 1
RTD Documentation: Build status not successful
#59 opened by tekktrik - 1
Using height for width of RAM in x direction
#54 opened by matiasilva - 1
Incorrect framebuffer width for SSD1680
#52 opened by cdmuhlb - 0
2.13" eink bonnet not being updated
#43 opened by wolterlw - 3
Speed Increase possible
#39 opened by jmfloyd - 0
framebuf not in deps
#30 opened by ladyada - 7
- 0
- 2
Adafruit_EPD.INVERSE not supported
#24 opened by cogliano - 10
- 5
- 5
- 2
Usage example in README seems outdated
#17 opened by urish - 1
Need for font file not mentioned
#14 opened by dhalbert - 1
Can't find lut time definitions.
#5 opened by TG-Techie - 5
Broken Example Code for Eink FeatherWing
#11 opened by djecken - 4
2.7" display driver
#8 opened by ladyada - 3
make busy/reset None'able
#2 opened by ladyada