- 0
Implement `wait gpio` for idx >= 32
#75 opened by jepler - 0
`print_c_program` incorrectly uses True, False (not true, false) in generated C code
#74 opened by jepler - 1
Support for PIO side_set Pin Direction
#69 opened by jchawks - 1
support `.pio_version 1`
#67 opened by jepler - 0
Missing Type Annotations
#24 opened by FoamyGuy - 0
tests may not cover 'out' instruction?
#44 opened by jepler - 1
jpm !OSRE not assembling
#60 opened by kamocat - 5
OUT pin and SIDE_SET pin clash
#55 opened by backgroundprocessing - 0
Tests use unittest instead of pytest
#56 opened by tekktrik - 1
- 0
label: instruction on one line
#53 opened by Wiz-IO - 1
E and T Morse code patterns incorrect
#50 opened by MarkWoodworth - 0
Examples failing actions
#23 opened by evaherrada - 2
Does not support binary or hex values
#30 opened by dannystaple - 0
"set pins, ~ 0" is accepted, but should not be(?)
#40 opened by jepler - 4
- 2
Store other program metadata in a Program class
#28 opened by jepler - 5
- 1
Example pwm.pio re-implementation not working
#21 opened by zeroflow - 3
Implement mov [DESTINATION], !x
#15 opened by qbalsdon - 0
doesn't report duplicate labels as an error
#10 opened by jepler - 2
Fails to parse the SPI example
#7 opened by jepler - 0