
Parsing of the record (for issue GPGGA) with empty values brings not actual values for HDOP and some other positions.

irapu opened this issue · 2 comments

irapu commented
  • Arduino board: Genuino/UNO

  • Arduino IDE version (found in Arduino -> About Arduino menu): 1.8.9

i'm requesting the record only for GGA :

if i receive complete record like this:
everything works fine and i get correct values

GPS.satellites = 5;
GPS.HDOP = 1.52;

But if after that commes a record wih empty values like
i will get the last read value for HDOP. It is not correct for me:
GPS.satellites = 4; GPS.HDOP = 1.52;

i'm not a c++ developer, but i think, the reason is on this point:
from line 121 in Adafruit_GPS.cpp:

  p = strchr(p, ',')+1;
    if (',' != *p)
      HDOP = atof(p);
// from hear is my code:
		HDOP = 0.00;

could you please take a look at this case?
i have a workaround, i parse a record myself to take a HDOP at it's position.
But it would be better to have suitable version from original ))

Thank you in advance

irapu commented

Thank you, I will try your solution with secondsSinceFix().