Arduino library and example code for the 16x32 RGB matrix panels in the shop
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Panel Daiy Chain
#81 opened by sreekanthcm - 1
#79 opened by tahafathi2013 - 0
flashing when refresh scren
#80 opened by tahafathi2013 - 2
P8 40x20 scan 1/5
#74 opened by ainxs - 1
Arduino Due
#77 opened by sevket-karayilan - 0
text scrolling
#76 opened by Ted1974 - 0
Adding support for ATmegaXX4A
#75 opened by benj-8229 - 3
Clang is complaining about formatting
#73 opened by dhalbert - 8
text split and shifted
#46 opened by sebasobotka - 0
add a LICENSE file
#72 opened by TheButlah - 2
SPIFFS and RGBmatrixPanelGP
#71 opened by JLNapo - 1
Mention another alternate driver for RGBPanels with Adafruit::GFX support and up to at least 256x256, includes unsupported panels like AB/AC and FM6126A
#63 opened by marcmerlin - 3
Runtime Exception with ESP32
#70 opened by ChaseParate - 2
Error with panel Hl1.0
#69 opened by soleyj - 2
ESP32 + WiFi + matrix panel
#68 opened by pilnikov - 2
Support for FM6126A
#55 opened by ntsarb - 1
ESP32 support
#61 opened by wavewolf - 3
Add support for Arduino Due
#16 opened by plaidpants - 1
add support for two row panels
#60 opened by sevketk - 2
I2C communiation
#29 opened by ShafiqUrRehman - 7
- 1
Can this library work on 32*64 version?
#56 opened by Ian910724 - 1
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Please Mention SmartMatrix::GFX as an alternate library for faster CPUs/higher res panels
#49 opened by marcmerlin - 7
Incompatibility with SoftwareSerial library
#18 opened by mdauria - 5
Heat development of 64x32 RGB LED Matrix
#53 opened by lorach77 - 7
Screen not displaying correctly
#52 opened by federicoprimomo - 1
- 2
Add Support for unit32_t rgb values
#14 opened by Aerospacesmith - 2
Issue in the scrolling text demo for 32x16 screens
#23 opened by jbdman - 1
Documentation for the library?
#45 opened by xird - 3
Running on Matrix 96x16
#44 opened by ntdgo - 8
Support for MKR1000
#31 opened by LRagji - 1
Arduino Due
#43 opened by thepersonamusic - 4
cannot run PanelGFXDemo_16x32 example
#42 opened by bagustyo92 - 3
Spurious .github folder warning
#26 opened by per1234 - 0
Optimise code for black and white only screens
#21 opened by procodr - 1
- 0
- 3
- 0
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1:4 scan rate displays
#13 opened by NetForces - 0
Port of Plasma example to Javascript
#28 opened by sallar - 2
- 1
Panel ceases to function properly if more then 30 characters are printed using Serial.print()
#20 opened by needmoreram - 0
#17 opened by mattjackson114 - 1
Spacing 'L'
#11 opened by visualaddicted00 - 1
Slightly different 32x32 panel
#9 opened by blindman2k - 1
Conflict with the GPS Library ?
#12 opened by NetForces - 1
teensy 3.1 not supported?
#10 opened by Vipor26