
Workflow to run Mutect2 (GATK4)

Primary LanguageWDL


Somatic short variant analysis.




java -jar cromwell.jar run mutect2.wdl --inputs inputs.json


Required workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Description
tumorBam File Input tumor file (bam or sam).

Optional workflow parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
normalBam File? None Input normal file (bam or sam).
bedFile File? None Interval file to split for scattering.
numChunk Int? None Number of files to split the interval file into.
outputTumorNamePrefix String basename(tumorBam,'.bam') Output prefix, either input file basename or custom string.
outputNormalNamePrefix String? basename(select_first([normalBam, ""]),'.bam') Output prefix, either input file basename or custom string.

Optional task parameters:

Parameter Value Default Description
splitIntervals.modules String "gatk/ hg19/p13" Environment module names and version to load (space separated) before command execution
splitIntervals.gatk String "$GATK_ROOT/gatk" GATK to use
splitIntervals.refFasta String "$HG19_ROOT/hg19_random.fa" Path to the reference fasta
splitIntervals.memory Int 32 Memory allocated for job
splitIntervals.timeout Int 72 Hours before task timeout
tumorOnlyModeBed.modules String "gatk/ hg19/p13 samtools/1.9"
tumorOnlyModeBed.refFasta String "$HG19_ROOT/hg19_random.fa"
tumorOnlyModeBed.gatk String "$GATK_ROOT/gatk"
tumorOnlyModeBed.mutectTag String "mutect2_gatk"
tumorOnlyModeBed.threads Int 8
tumorOnlyModeBed.memory Int 32
tumorOnlyModeBed.timeout Int 96
tumorMatchedNormalBed.modules String "gatk/ hg19/p13 samtools/1.9"
tumorMatchedNormalBed.gatk String "$GATK_ROOT/gatk"
tumorMatchedNormalBed.refFasta String "$HG19_ROOT/hg19_random.fa"
tumorMatchedNormalBed.mutectTag String "mutect2_gatk"
tumorMatchedNormalBed.threads Int 8
tumorMatchedNormalBed.memory Int 32
tumorMatchedNormalBed.timeout Int 96
vcfMerge.modules String "gatk/ hg19/p13" Environment module names and version to load (space separated) before command execution
vcfMerge.gatk String "$GATK_ROOT/gatk" GATK to use
vcfMerge.refFasta String "$HG19_ROOT/hg19_random.fa"
vcfMerge.memory Int 32 Memory allocated for job
vcfMerge.timeout Int 72 Hours before task timeout
tumorOnlyMode.modules String "gatk/ hg19/p13 samtools/1.9" Environment module names and version to load (space separated) before command execution.
tumorOnlyMode.refFasta String "$HG19_ROOT/hg19_random.fa" Path to the reference fasta.
tumorOnlyMode.gatk String "$GATK_ROOT/gatk" GATK to use.
tumorOnlyMode.mutectTag String "mutect2_gatk" Metric tag is used as a file extension for output.
tumorOnlyMode.interval File? None An interval or list of intervals to include in analysis.
tumorOnlyMode.threads Int 8 Requested CPU threads
tumorOnlyMode.memory Int 32 Memory allocated for job.
tumorOnlyMode.timeout Int 96 Hours before task timeout
tumorMatchedNormal.modules String "gatk/ hg19/p13 samtools/1.9" Environment module names and version to load (space separated) before command execution
tumorMatchedNormal.interval File? None An interval or list of intervals to include in analysis.
tumorMatchedNormal.gatk String "$GATK_ROOT/gatk" GATK to use
tumorMatchedNormal.refFasta String "$HG19_ROOT/hg19_random.fa" Path to the reference fasta
tumorMatchedNormal.mutectTag String "mutect2_gatk" Metric tag is used as a file extension for output
tumorMatchedNormal.threads Int 8 Requested CPU threads
tumorMatchedNormal.memory Int 32 Memory allocated for job
tumorMatchedNormal.timeout Int 96 Hours before task timeout
vcfProcess.modules String "samtools/1.9"
vcfProcess.memory Int 32
vcfProcess.timeout Int 72


Output Type Description
unfilteredVcfFile File None
unfilteredVcfIndex File None
filteredVcfFile File None
filteredVcfIndex File None

Rationale explained

gatk SplitIntervals was used for splitting the interval file for scattering because it balances the genomic space interrogated by each of the chunks, versus just using an equal number of intervals in each.

Niassa + Cromwell

This WDL workflow is wrapped in a Niassa workflow (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/pipedev/tree/master/pipedev-niassa-cromwell-workflow) so that it can used with the Niassa metadata tracking system (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/niassa).

  • Building
mvn clean install
  • Testing
mvn clean verify \
-Djava_opts="-Xmx1g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication" \
-DrunTestThreads=2 \
-DskipITs=false \
-DskipRunITs=false \
-DworkingDirectory=/path/to/tmp/ \
-DschedulingHost=niassa_oozie_host \
-DwebserviceUrl=http://niassa-url:8080 \
-DwebserviceUser=niassa_user \
-DwebservicePassword=niassa_user_password \


For support, please file an issue on the Github project or send an email to gsi@oicr.on.ca .

Generated with wdl_doc_gen (https://github.com/oicr-gsi/wdl_doc_gen/)