DSTI DevOps course

Materials for the DevOps course at DSTI.


  1. Introduction to DevOps
  2. Source Control Management (SCM) | with Git
  3. Continuous Testing, Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) | with Node.js, GitHub Actions and Heroku
  4. Infrastructure as code (IaC) | with Vagrant and Ansible
  5. Containerization | with Docker
  6. Containers orchestration | with Docker Compose
  7. Containers orchestration | with Kubernetes
  8. Cloud-native applications and microservice architecture | with Istio
  9. Monitoring | with Prometheus and Grafana


The course assignment is consist of:

  1. Participation
  2. Project
  3. MCQ exam


Reading slides' content

Navigate inside the ./courses/devops folder to read the raw material and access the labs. The module's folders contain following files:

  • index.md - materials for the module
  • lab.md - labs description
  • homework.md - homework description
  • assets folder - assets provided for the labs
  • image folder - images used in the .md files

Access online slides

Netlify Status

The slides are available on Netlify as a static website - dsti-devops-2022-fall.netlify.app.

Build slides locally as a static website

Run the following commands to get the site up and running.

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/adaltas/dsti-devops-2023-fall.git devops
cd devops/gatsby
# Download the dependencies
npm install
# Start the development server
npm run develop
# If you have problem, try
npm run clean && npm run develop


Pierre Sauvage pierre@adaltas.com

Guillaume Holdorf guillaume.h@adaltas.com