Introduction to Python

Demo and exercises


Connect to the Adaltas cloud cluster using OpenVPN. Follow the tutorials:


Learn the Python fundamentals:

  • Variables and data structures,
  • For and while loop
  • Conditional statements
  • Defining functions

Connection to Zeppelin

  • Navigate to with your browser

  • Log in using your Adaltas cloud credentials

  • Create a notebook and name it as follows: sorbonne-2021/firstname-lastname/python_intro (e.g. sorbonne-2021/petra-kaferle/python_intro). This should create your folder in sorbonne-2021/.

  • Initialize your interpreter by running %pyspark in the first cell.

During the session

During the classes, go through the notebook and test the code along with the teacher. At the end, you will do exercises independently, with the help of the demo code.
