
Very fast DNS-over-HTTPS to DNS proxy with emphasis on privacy (no logging)

Primary LanguageCGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Dohd (pron. doh-dee) is a minimalist DNS-over-HTTPS daemon that redirects all DoH queries to a local DNS server running on localhost:53 (UDP).


  • Support for RFC8484 DNS-over-HTTPS (POST and GET method) - HTTP/1.1 only for now.
  • Record freshness derived from minimum TTL among answers


  1. Ensure that wolfSSL is installed on your system, and configured to support TLS 1.3 (configure option: --enable-tls13).

  2. Type make.


dohd -c certificate -k private-key [-p port] [-F] [-u user]

Command line parameters:

  • '-c certificate' - specifies which certificate for the TLS server. (Mandatory parameter)
  • '-k private-key' - specifies the private key used by the TLS server. (Mandatory parameter)
  • '-p port' - changes the listening port for the DoH service (default:8053)
  • '-u user' - drop root privileges after binding to the TCP port by switching user (mandatory when running as root)
  • '-F' - runs dohd in foreground (instead of creating a daemon)

Browser configuration

  • In Firefox, go to 'about:preferences' -> Network Settings -> Settings
  • check 'Enable DNS over HTTPS'
  • Enable 'custom' option
  • specify the URL of your DoH server
  • Optional: set the Trusted Recursive Resolver (TRR) mode via 'about:settings' under network_trr_mode. Possible values:
    • 0 - Off (default). use standard native resolving only (don't use TRR at all)
    • 1 - Reserved. (do not use)
    • 2 - First. Use TRR first, and only if the name resolve fails use the native resolver as a fallback.
    • 3 - Only. Only use TRR, never use the native resolver.
    • 4 - Reserved. (do not use)
    • 5 - Off by choice. This is the same as 0 but marks it as done by choice and not done by default.

More info available on wiki.mozilla.org.


This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. in no event shall the copyright holders or anyone distributing the software be liable for any damages or other liability, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


Dohd is licensed under the terms of GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPL). See COPYING for details.