
Create DNS TXT RR from PEM certificate for @dakami's Phreeload

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Create DNS TXT RR from PEM certificate for @dakami's Phreeload or for Extended DNSSEC Validator. (See my posting for what the latter does.)


phreefingerprint [-t] domain certfile

certfile is a certificate in PEM format. E.g. to get your cert go to your SSL site:

openssl s_client -connect amazon.de:443

copy and paste the cert from that output into my.crt. Then run

./phreefingerprint mydomain my.crt
mydomain IN TXT "v=key1 ha=sha1 h=561b9b3cc34cc2e6fa38a554be1f919ce4c8ce7a"

Most of this code is swiped from other SSL clients

I've added support for the (hopefully upcoming) TLSA as described in dane. Use option '-t' to get that:

./phreefingerprint  -t mydomain my.crt  
mydomain IN TYPE65534 \# 22 ( 0101561b9b3cc34cc2e6fa38a554be1f919ce4c8ce7a )

There's an #ifdef in the code to enable TLSA RRtype.