
Getting the revealjs plugin 'seminar' to work with quarto.

Primary LanguageHTML

Seminar plugin for Quarto

Based off Seminar

  • Seminar plugin allows users to control the presentation for other users who open the same presentation by connecting the presentation to a socket.io server

  • The plugin works great natively in revealjs however, in quarto the plugin must involve a postprocessing script otherwise it will not work

YAML header

  • The yaml in quarto cannot currently call functions to other javascript code. All yaml seems to get rendered with quotations (but this is by design of a yaml)

  • The postprocess.py carries out a search and replace for the yaml words that need to be changed.

Quarto makes it hard to put custom js in specific places

  • This inherently stops some usability, however again this is by design to prevent the rendering of quarto documents from breaking entirely

  • This however means that custom things can be hard to accomplish (like the Seminar plugin) without a postprocessing script


  1. An example yaml for using seminar
title: Quarto and seminar plugin
    self-contained: true
      - seminar
    include-after-body: custom.js
      themes: false
      transitions: false
      markers: true
      hideMissingTitles: true
        - title: "Broadcast"
          icon: '<i class="fas fa-rss"></i>'
          content: foobar
  • Here foobar is replaced to call the function getSeminarMenu()
  1. quarto render

  2. pip install beautifulsoup4 requests

  3. run python postprocess.py

Do not change foobar and barfoo (located inside ./seminar/plugin.yml) these are necessary to inject some custom html and/or javascript later during the postprocessing.

  • The user can edit the fields 1. server 2. room and 3. hash in the file ./seminar/plugin.yml plugin.yml. These should be changed so that it works with your socket.io server. An example socket.io server