IMPORTANT NOTE: As this presentation is based on experimental alpha version of Traefik 2.0 it is not recommended to run examples from this repo in production. Always use the official image from the Docker Hub.
Run without any additional configuration just run the following command:
docker-compose up -d traefik
To run only Traefik. If you want to run the Hello World application then run:
docker-compose up -d hello-world
When you have running Traefik, you can run an additional container. Remember to provide the correct network name.
docker run -d \
-e PORT=8080 \
-e WORLD=Adam \
--network 01-quick-start_default \
--expose 8080 \
--label traefik.http.routers.adam-hello-world.rule="Host(\`\`)" adamgolab/hello-world
More real-world scenario, with the configuration provided by a config file.
Additionally, Traefik provides Web UI for checking added routes and services.
Again everything can be run via the simple command:
docker-compose up -d
When everything is set up and running, you can view the dashboard on
We are living in 2019 so why the response should not be encrypted? When there is present a flag for enabling TLS support tls=true
Traefik will automatically look for a corresponding certificate and encrypt the response.
Run everything with the command:
docker-compose up -d
After that, you can check the encrypted response on
. Check the certificate that is obtained from Let's Encrypt service.
New Feature available only on 2.0
In general there are not so many cases where you should expose MongoDB instance publicly. But it will work in the same way for any other TCP service.
Run everything with:
docker-compose up -d
should be displayed an webpage with a Hello World message, but you are able to hit the MongoDB instance on
The load balancers are able to load balance the requests between multiple instances of your programs.
Run everything with:
docker-compose up -d
should be displayed a message from one of the containers. Every second request should be should be handled by the second container.
Refresh the page a few times to see different results.