
Unexpected or invalid argument '-c'

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I followed the installation instructions but I ran into an issue: both arguments '-c' and '--cc' throw an error. I managed to compile the hello world example without any flags, but if that flag was removed I'd suggest removing it from the README and instead of throwing an error display an 'obsolete' warning.

Repro steps

1 - Clone the repo following main README instructions

git clone
cd oakc
cargo install -f --path .

2 - Try and compile hello_world.ok example with -c or --cc flag:

oak c examples/hello_world.ok -c

3 - Watch error:


I imagine that the command line issue has not been fixed. It only compiles without -C.
oak c hello_world.ok <= It works.

C:\temp\oakc\examples>oak c hello_world.ok -c <=Does not work.
error: Found argument '-c' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context

When we don't choose which compiler is functional. Which will be the standard, GCC or GO?

Can you tell how to choose the file name, as it compiles and becomes main.exe