
Deprecated WordPress boilerplate install and theme.

Primary LanguagePHP

This project is no longer maintained in favour of Wordpressify.

WP Willowbrooke / README

WP Willowbrooke is a boilerplate installation for WordPress comprised of:

  • A heavily customised fork of Bones Boilerplate theme (with SASS linter, Gulp and other improvements)
  • composer.json file with WordPress core and selected plugins

What plugins are included

How do I get set up?

Setup WordPress
  1. Pull the git repository locally - run git clone https://Zetec@bitbucket.org/zetecit/boilerplate-wordpress.git folder-name in your CLI
  2. Run composer update to install WordPress and the plugins
  3. Setup WordPress following the Famous 5-Minute Install.
Setup the Theme

wp_theme, is the theme that will be used in production.

  1. Go to wp-content/themes and change the name of wp_theme to a name of your choice.
  2. Run npm install from the CLI
  3. Open gulpfile.js and add your WordPress directory to the URL variable
  4. Run gulp watch from your CLI, this will start BrowserSync and start watching your files for changes.
  5. 'Find and Replace': [WEBSITE NAME], [WEBSITE URL], [WEBSITE DESCRIPTION], [THEME SLUG] and theme_slug as appropriate.
  6. You can now start editing the theme within the wp_theme directory.


Within our gulpfile.js we are using:

  • gulp-sass - used to convert .scss files into .css
  • gulp-jshint - detects errors and potential problems with JS code
  • gulp-concat - concatenates multiple files into a single file, reduces HTTP requests
  • gulp-uglify - minifies JS code
  • gulp-babel - converts ES6 JavaScript into older, more supported code
  • gulp-uncss - removes unused css (not currently in use)
  • gulp-cssnano - minifies CSS
  • gulp-base64 - converts images in CSS to base64 encoded
  • gulp-imagemin - minifies bitmap images
  • gulp-svgmin - minifies SVG images
  • gulp-plumber - prevents errors caused by gulp plugins
  • gulp-notify - sends errors messages
  • gulp-addsrc - lets you add 'src' inbetween gulp pipes
  • gulp-livereload - reloads the page
  • gulp-todo - Generated a 'To-Do' list from comments in the code
  • browser-sync - live CSS preview and sync across browsers

Future Implementations

  • Create symlink between root theme directory and a folder in wp-content/themes directory.
  • Replace current grid system with susy.
  • Add 'gulp-beer' to gulp workflow for error handling.
  • Implement TinyReset to replace current normalisation style.

Contribution guidelines

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