External Browser Extractor Processor for heritrix3. Execute an external browser via command line and parse JSON results
Build: mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=false clean install Result: target/ExternalBrowserExtractorHTML-0.1.jar
Define your extractor bean (You can put this near the settings for the other extractors: extractorHTML, extractorCSS, etc). The optional proxy mode configuration is shown below:
<bean id="browserExtractorHtml" class="org.archive.modules.extractor.ExternalBrowserExtractorHtml" >
<property name="executionString" value="nice -n4 /phantomjs/phantomjs-1.6.1-linux-i686-dynamic/bin/phantomjs --proxy= /phantomjs/phantomBrowserExtractor/phantomBrowserExtractor.js --userAgent _USERAGENT_ --url _URI_ 2>/dev/null"/>
<property name="shouldBrowserReload" value="True" />
<property name="commandTimeout" value="30000" />
<!-- <property name="treatFramesAsEmbedLinks" value="true" /> -->
<!-- <property name="treatXHRAsEmbedLinks" value="true" /> -->
Add it to the processor chain: inside Add it before the extractorHTML processor:
<!-- ...extract outlinks from HTML content via external browser process... -->
<ref bean="browserExtractorHtml"/>
When using a caching proxy like Squid with the browser, you will want to direct H3 to request the discovered items through the proxy. Create a sheet assocation with the configuration shown below. The ViaContextMatchesRegexDecide rule is included in this package:
<bean class='org.archive.crawler.spring.DecideRuledSheetAssociation'>
<property name='rules'>
<bean class="org.archive.modules.deciderules.ViaContextMatchesRegexDecideRule">
<property name="regex" value=".*BROWSER_MISC.*" />
<property name='targetSheetNames'>
<bean id='cacheProxy' class='org.archive.spring.Sheet'>
<property name='map'>
<entry key='fetchHttp.httpProxyHost' value='' />
<entry key='fetchHttp.httpProxyPort' value='3128' />