
Donnie Dark is dark, responsive, customizable theme for Ghost 0.5+ blogs. Name of the theme is hats-off for a great movie.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Donnie Dark

Donnie Dark is dark, responsive, customizable theme for Ghost 0.5+ blogs. Name of the theme is hats-off for a great movie. See it live here!

Donnie Dark Screenshot



See this documentation on installing themes for Ghost blog.


This theme includes a javascript configuration file that can be edited to elegantly utilize Google Analytics and Disqus. It is also possible to easily edit header of the page, changing links and social icons to your liking.

Enabling Google Analytics or Disqus

  • Open file your_ghost_installation/content/themes/donnie-dark/assets/js/config.js.
  • To add Google Analytics to your site, add your google analytics key to donnie_dark_config_google_analytics_key = ''.
  • To add Disqus to your site, add your disqus shortname to donnie_dark_config_disqus_shortname = ''.

To read more about how this configuration file works and / or how you can add similar to your theme, read my blog post about it.

Editing page header

Page header is contained in default.hbs. By default the page header contains left and right sections. On the left you have blog name and links to static pages. On the right you have social icons and blog cover image. You can find all social icons from the font-awesome webpage.

Thank You

  • Took example of ghost theme structure from sheet theme by brianokeefe.


MIT License