
Trello Board

See the current status of project on our trello here

Setup Docker

Install docker for your desired platform by following the link here.

Setup Docker Compose

Install docker compose for your desired platform by following the link here.

Clone The Repository

Using ssh

git clone git@github.com:adam-r-kowalski/sftp-client.git

Using https

git clone https://github.com/adam-r-kowalski/sftp-client.git

Spin up the containers!

docker-compose up -d

Attach to the container

docker ps -a

You should see something like this

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND               CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
0b2985ebd61e        adamkowalski/rust-cmake   "bash"                5 seconds ago       Up 3 seconds                            sftp-client_client_1
5fb7471e8578        gotechnies/alpine-ssh     "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"   5 seconds ago       Up 2 seconds        22/tcp              sftp-client_server_1

Make note of the CONTAINER ID for the adamkowalski/rust-cmake image, in this case 0b2985ebd61e

Connect to the container by running

docker attach 0b2985ebd61e

You will now be greeted by a prompt saying


This means you are inside the docker container!

exit will take you out of the container

Then type docker-compose down in the project directory to shut down all containers

Running the code

cargo run

Testing the code

cargo test

Editing the code

Within the container emacs is already installed, and it is already configured for editing rust code

Beyond that you can use any editor you like. Here are some recommendations

Code documentation

The documentation is automatically generated from the source and is available here