
Apodini - A declarative, composable server-side Swift framework

Primary LanguageSwift


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Apodini is a declarative, composable framework to build evolvable web services. It is part of a research project at the TUM Research Group for Applied Software Engineering.

Getting Started


Apodini uses the Swift Package Manager:

Add it as a project-dependency:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/Apodini/Apodini.git", .branch("develop"))

Add the base package and all exporters you want to use to your target:

targets: [
        name: "Your Target",
        dependencies: [
            .product(name: "Apodini", package: "Apodini"),
            .product(name: "ApodiniREST", package: "Apodini"),
            .product(name: "ApodiniOpenAPI", package: "Apodini")

Hello World

Getting started is really easy:

import Apodini
import ApodiniREST

struct Greeter: Handler {
    @Parameter var country: String?

    func handle() -> String {
        "Hello, \(country ?? "World")!"

struct HelloWorld: WebService {
    var configuration: Configuration {

    var content: some Component {


// http://localhost -> Hello, World!
// http://localhost?country=Italy -> Hello, Italy!

Apodini knows enough about your service to automatically generate OpenAPI docs. Just add the respective exporter:

import ApodiniOpenAPI
struct HelloWorld: WebService {
    var configuration: Configuration {
        REST { 

// JSON definition: http://localhost/openapi
// Swagger UI: http://localhost/openapi-ui

With Bindings we can re-use Handlers in different contexts:

struct Greeter: Handler {
    @Binding var country: String?

    func handle() -> String {
        "Hello, \(country ?? "World")!"

struct HelloWorld: WebService {
    var configuration: Configuration {
        REST { 

    var content: some Component {
        Greeter(country: nil)
            .description("Say 'Hello' to the World.")
        Group("country") {

struct CountrySubsystem: Component {
    @PathParameter var country: String
    var content: some Component {
        Group($country) {
            Greeter(country: Binding<String?>($country))
                .description("Say 'Hello' to a country.")

// http://localhost -> Hello, World!
// http://localhost/country/Italy -> Hello, Italy!

Apodini allows the developer to specify CLI-arguments that are passed to the WebService. The arguments can for example be used in Configuration:

struct HelloWorld: WebService {
    @Flag(help: "Generate an OpenAPI documentation of the WebService.")
    var generateOpenAPIDocs = false
    var configuration: Configuration {
        if(generateOpenAPIDocs) {
            REST { 
        } else {

For further information on how to specify CLI-arguments see https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser


The framework is a research project to enable the development of evolvable web services. You can find technical documentation of the functionality in the Apodini DocC documentation


Contributions to this project are welcome. Please make sure to read the contribution guidelines first.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See License for more information.

Code of conduct

For our code of conduct see Code of conduct