
Swift Library and Plugin for statically compiled and embedded version informations.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift VersionInfo is a Swift Package shipping a Swift library, and a Swift Package Manager Plugin, enabling its users to statically access their library's or executable's version info, compiled in their binary without runtime aspects and without any headaches.

Swift VersionInfo is designed to be used in both server-side and classical Swift GUI applications, and should be compatible with all platforms Swift supports.


  • Static access to version information.
  • Works with both server-side and GUI applications.
  • Compatible with all platforms supported by Swift.


Add the following to your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/adam-rocska/VersionInfo.swift", from: "1.0.0")


Just the Swift Package Manager Plugin

Add the following to your relevant target:

plugins: [
      .plugin(name: "VersionInfoPlugin", package: "VersionInfo.swift")

Then just simply use it in your code as such:

// Prints: (name: "master", hash: "0f83992bc09b82a2627c48a71551e2ba633c8d03")

Just the Swift Library

Add the following to your relevant target:

dependencies: [
      .product(name: "VersionInfo", package: "VersionInfo.swift")

Then just simply use it in your code as such:

import VersionInfo

let currentVersion = SemanticVersion("1.1.0")
let previousVersion = SemanticVersion("1.0.0")

print(currentVersion > previousVersion)
// Prints: true

Both the Swift Package Manager Plugin and the Swift Library

It is of intentional design that the type Version is a tuple. This allows a seamless bridge between the stand-alone generated code and the library itself.

Add the following to your relevant target:

dependencies: [
      .product(name: "VersionInfo", package: "VersionInfo.swift")
plugins: [
      .plugin(name: "VersionInfoPlugin", package: "VersionInfo.swift")

Then just simply use it in your code as such:

import VersionInfo

// Prints: (name: "1.0.0", hash: "0f83992bc09b82a2627c48a71551e2ba633c8d03")
if let version = SemanticVersion(versions.head) {
    // Prints: 1.0.0
    print(version < "1.1.0")
    // Prints: true