
JIRA Archive of Perfect.

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Perfect Issues

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This is an archived list of the open issues which were on JIRA at the time we shut it down. If you have a new issue to report, please do so on the relevnt repository's GitHub issues tracker.

Archived Issues

Created Status Reporter Topic
2018-2-3 Unresolved Igor Alefirenko [ISS-586] Can STORM (MySQL) handle many to many relationships?
2018-1-26 Unresolved Rockford Wei [ISS-585] Perfect-Redis listAppend() a string larger than 81898 will fail
2018-1-25 Unresolved Rockford Wei [ISS-584] aes_128_cbc_hmac_sha1 will cause a fatal exception on macOS
2018-1-16 Unresolved Snake [ISS-583] swift build fail
2018-1-12 Unresolved Igor Alefirenko [ISS-582] Timestamp field handling in STORM databases
2018-1-11 Duplicate spiner [ISS-581] licons
2018-1-8 Won't Do Simon Strandgaard [ISS-580] General: database table naming: singular vs plural
2018-1-6 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-579] PerfectAssistant - print Xcode/swift version
2018-1-1 Rejected Tony Harris [ISS-578] How to run Swift Server(s) on same box as Apache
2018-1-1 Unresolved Tony Harris [ISS-577] Readme.md not correct for APIDocument Server on Git
2017-12-27 Won't Do Fred Appelman [ISS-576] Perfect SMTP fails during send because of helo handshake failure
2017-12-22 Won't Do Mattia Provincia [ISS-575] Swift Build
2017-12-20 Done Redoubts [ISS-574] PostgreSQL: Allow me to add a Notice Receiver
2017-12-19 Won't Do Steve Bryce [ISS-573] macOS 10.13.2 mysql.h not found
2017-12-19 Won't Do M. Sean Bonner [ISS-572] README for Perfect-Turnstile-MySQL suggests wrong version #
2017-12-17 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-571] LocalAuthentication - login via oauth2
2017-12-17 Done Simon Strandgaard [ISS-570] LocalAuthentication - migrate from SHA256 to BCrypt
2017-12-15 Rejected Pierre Debuisson [ISS-569] Sources/PerfectCrypto/ByteIO.swift:78:48: error: use of undeclared type 'BIO_METHOD'
2017-12-13 Unresolved Chilimov Pavel [ISS-568] Hello! In your Documentation and Examples there is only one sample with creating a websocket...
2017-12-10 Cannot Reproduce Zhao Xin [ISS-567] get Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: when using String(bytes: response.bodyBytes, encoding: .utf8)
2017-12-10 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-566] Perfect-Turnstile-PostgreSQL: Login via OAuth
2017-12-7 Unresolved Rockford Wei [ISS-565] class Config on PostgresStORM doesn't work with Swift 4
2017-12-7 Done Simon Strandgaard [ISS-564] PerfectAssistant - empty "Tasks" window
2017-12-1 Rejected swaincebul [ISS-563] rain
2017-11-30 Done PandaraWen [ISS-562] Error loading rules: ./config/redirect-rules/ does not exist.
2017-11-22 Unresolved SL9 [ISS-561] LDAP user authentication, password change and groups
2017-11-21 Won't Do chenzww [ISS-560] Is there a way to compile config text file to Perfect execute file.
2017-11-16 Unresolved Rockford Wei [ISS-559] PerfectLib testing script line #236 test failed on linux
2017-11-13 Unresolved Tyress Ramboyong [ISS-558] Perfect-Notifications [500 Internal Server Error: Unable to write frame] after some time
2017-11-10 Won't Do Dennis Schafroth [ISS-557] Unable to link Perfect-WebSocketsServer on debian 9
2017-11-8 Unresolved Ruben Baca [ISS-556] Small technical question (basic types that conform to protocol "JSONConvertible")
2017-11-4 Unresolved Tom Raic [ISS-555] MySQL and StORM do not provide support for stored procedures
2017-11-1 Unresolved Péter István Biró [ISS-554] Perfect-Session - Add 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' header to CORS response
2017-10-31 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-553] PostgresStORM.setup() doesn't quote column names
2017-10-31 Unresolved Péter István Biró [ISS-552] CORS requests failing because no for 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' header
2017-10-28 Done Pavan Tumati [ISS-551] Perfect-Redis: Large bulk string responses blow up with a bad access exception
2017-10-27 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-550] Postgres StORM cannot save JSON values if they are arrays
2017-10-23 Rejected Daniel [ISS-549] Memory doesn't get freed in Perfect-PostgreSQL after closing Postgres connection.
2017-10-21 Won't Do Jimmy McDermott [ISS-548] Linux-Bridge fatal error: 'uuid/uuid.h' file not found on Heroku
2017-10-19 Won't Do jason [ISS-547] token auth
2017-10-18 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-546] PG StORM (possibly other variants) - obtain an available id
2017-10-17 Cannot Reproduce BaQiWL [ISS-545] swift build
2017-10-16 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-544] PG StORM (possibly other variants) - transactions commit/rollback
2017-10-16 Done Vitalii [ISS-543] CURLResponse bodyJSON can't represent arrays
2017-10-15 Done YIFEI TENG [ISS-542] Update Swift-Protobuf version
2017-10-5 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-541] Deploy to AWS - article slightly outdated
2017-10-3 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-540] PG StORM (possibly other variants) - depends on old version of Perfect
2017-10-2 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-539] PG StORM (possibly other variants) - add Int64 support (BIGINT)
2017-10-1 Won't Do Simon Strandgaard [ISS-538] PerfectDocs - PostgreSQL cannot compile if Postgres.app is present
2017-9-29 Done SimleCp [ISS-537] perfect swift4 support
2017-9-28 Done Redoubts [ISS-536] Perfect Crypto should have a way to compute a digest without loading entire target into memory
2017-9-27 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-535] video is unavailable for heroku-buildpack-for-perfect-and-swift webpage
2017-9-24 Won't Do 发抖喵小咪 [ISS-534] support swift4.0
2017-9-21 Won't Do Mark Sinclair [ISS-533] readdr_r is deprecated
2017-9-20 Rejected masoud dadashi [ISS-532] A mistake in the documentation
2017-9-18 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-531] PG StORM (possibly other variants) Should should probably quote field names
2017-9-13 Done Simon Strandgaard [ISS-530] PerfectHTTP 2.2.4 cannot compiled with swift4 - RouteItemType.init() has problem with String()
2017-9-10 Unresolved Sean Zhang [ISS-529] SessionMySqlDriver
2017-9-6 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-528] Special Symbols in Postgres Password prevent Perfect from accessing the DB
2017-9-5 Rejected leyu [ISS-527] New feature
2017-9-4 Unresolved Chip Rarau [ISS-526] CURL request delay for large POST
2017-9-2 Unresolved Tom Meehan [ISS-525] With Perfect-NotificationsExample, server isn't reachable on AWS...
2017-9-2 Cannot Reproduce Mustafa Dindar [ISS-524] Mysql Memory Leaks
2017-9-1 Done LeAnne Lis [ISS-523] To avoid spam filtering: correct MESSAGE-ID format
2017-8-31 Done LeAnne Lis [ISS-522] SMTP: Date format registers as incorrect, causing spam on some servers.
2017-8-31 Done LeAnne Lis [ISS-521] Recipient name, address unavailable due to 'internal' protection
2017-8-30 Done Wes [ISS-520] Build error with Swift 4 on Ubuntu - cannot find -COpenSSL
2017-8-25 Duplicate Mitul Patel [ISS-519] multipart/form-data with post data string
2017-8-24 Duplicate Mitul Patel [ISS-518] multipart/form-data with post data string
2017-8-24 Won't Do Mitul Patel [ISS-517] multipart/form-data with post data string
2017-8-18 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-516] StORM (Postgres) Cannot save/update optional/nil values
2017-8-16 Unresolved Pawan Patel [ISS-515] cant build on ubuntu
2017-8-16 Rejected 历史 [ISS-514] test
2017-8-12 Won't Do Christopher Prince [ISS-513] With Perfect mySQL does each request need a new db connection?
2017-8-11 Unresolved Alexei Plekhanov [ISS-512] ??? symbols in File Upload Example for non-latin filenames.
2017-8-11 Cannot Reproduce Alex Lardschneider [ISS-511] PerfectTemplate build fails on Ubuntu 16.04
2017-8-2 Rejected yarden [ISS-509] CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY
2017-8-2 Done Rockford Wei [ISS-508] Adding document for HTTPRequest.scratchPad
2017-7-31 Rejected Le Minh Loc [ISS-507] cx
2017-7-26 Done Rockford Wei [ISS-506] Perfect SQLite3 is conflicting with Apple SQLite3 in Xcode 9 / Swift 4
2017-7-25 Unresolved Simon Strandgaard [ISS-505] Perfect-Turnstile-SQLite-Demo - web interface broken
2017-7-20 Cannot Reproduce Tk_Jacky [ISS-504] upload response body error
2017-7-20 Unresolved Mario Iannotta [ISS-503] Perfect-MongoDB ObjectId() function
2017-7-19 Done Luca [ISS-502] Unable to build project with the following dependencies Perfect-HTTPServer and Postgres-StORM
2017-7-18 Unresolved thislooksfun [ISS-501] Perfect-Session-MongoDB doesn't use purgeInterval
2017-7-17 Unresolved Mark Lilback [ISS-500] WebSocket example doesn't compile
2017-7-16 Done Vitalii [ISS-499] Slash at the end of route URI is ignored
2017-7-15 Done thislooksfun [ISS-498] Simultaneous accesses to , but modification requires exclusive access
2017-7-13 Done chuan [ISS-497] Perfect-COpenSSL-Linux build failed.
2017-7-12 Done Mario Iannotta [ISS-496] How to add unit tests?
2017-7-12 Done kun [ISS-495] Can't build in Ubuntu
2017-7-12 Won't Do Rockford Wei [ISS-494] MySQL Blob operations
2017-7-8 Done Benjamin Perkins [ISS-493] PerfectLogger does not build due to conflicts with PerfectLib
2017-7-5 Done Joel Saltzman [ISS-492] commit and rollback return values
2017-7-5 Won't Do Jose Saad [ISS-491] Wrong Routes Precision
2017-7-1 Rejected Matt Dickey [ISS-490] Xcode Project Generation fails with Linux builds on docker image
2017-6-27 Cannot Reproduce Enum [ISS-489] HTTPRequest.remoteAddress is not correct
2017-6-25 Rejected Tyress Ramboyong [ISS-488] Perfect-Net 2.1.13 Compile error
2017-6-23 Unresolved Jeff Graham [ISS-487] perfect-app-template fails on Mac OSX
2017-6-22 Won't Do Denis Novoselcev [ISS-486] Не работает Action button
2017-6-21 Won't Do Tristan Leblanc [ISS-485] Perfect-Net build error on linux
2017-6-19 Rejected Aleksander Aleksic [ISS-484] 'uuid/uuid.h' file not found
2017-6-18 Done LeeCen [ISS-483] 'libxml/xmlversion.h' file not found
2017-6-17 Rejected Run [ISS-482] YES
2017-6-14 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-481] Implement relational data features in StORM
2017-6-14 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-480] StORM (Postgresql) Does not create proper column types for optional fields
2017-6-12 Rejected jujien [ISS-479] as
2017-6-8 Rejected Abdulla [ISS-478] i got this error : error: The dependency graph could not be satisfied (https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-HTTP.git)\n")
2017-6-5 Unresolved Ferenc Bartha [ISS-477] Enable extension loading for SQLite
2017-6-5 Unresolved StevenNguyen [ISS-476] fbAPIVery
2017-6-2 Unresolved Zhang Peng [ISS-475] How to authenticate the client with https?
2017-6-2 Duplicate Zhang Peng [ISS-474] HTTPS Client Authenticate
2017-5-28 Unresolved testar ut [ISS-473] Rate limiter
2017-5-28 Rejected testar ut [ISS-472] Database connector to Apache Cassandra
2017-5-25 Rejected Rob [ISS-471] cannot convert value of type UInt to expected argument type Int
2017-5-22 Cannot Reproduce Mita Gavit [ISS-470] Linux build error
2017-5-19 Unresolved Gokul [ISS-469] Getting error : redirect_uri_mismatch
2017-5-18 Rejected Hasen el Judy [ISS-468] Support for postgresql listen/notify
2017-5-18 Rejected spider consultants [ISS-467] unable to build
2017-5-16 Done Alexandre Giguere [ISS-466] Google Cloud Platform No Documentation at all
2017-5-16 Rejected RANJITH KUMAR [ISS-465] test
2017-5-10 Rejected Rob Koch [ISS-464] postParams not parsed as json
2017-5-6 Unresolved Wain [ISS-463] MySQL statement crash when query has 1 parameter but 2 parameter values are supplied
2017-5-5 Rejected Daemon [ISS-462] is it possible to run this on the Raspberry Pi 3
2017-5-4 Won't Do Yuriy Pitomets [ISS-461] project repl
2017-5-3 Unresolved Alexandre Giguere [ISS-460] Perfect Notification Example not compiling
2017-5-2 Rejected med [ISS-459] b v
2017-5-1 Won't Do Nuno Manuel Dias [ISS-458] Perfect-XML build error 'libxml/xmlversion.h' file not found
2017-4-30 Unresolved Saurav Mitra [ISS-457] Perfect Heroku Buildpack support for Swift 3.0
2017-4-29 Unresolved Stefan Wallner [ISS-456] Provide documentation dash docset feed
2017-4-27 Unresolved piaojin [ISS-455] MySQLStORM_keyIsEmpty()
2017-4-25 Done Yyang [ISS-454] markdownToHTML Parse error
2017-4-24 Rejected Joey Serquina [ISS-453] 5
2017-4-24 Duplicate lun_c [ISS-452] compile PerfectCrypto error
2017-4-20 Rejected Stephen Ciauri [ISS-451] url_for
2017-4-18 Unresolved Alexey [ISS-450] Error when building on Linux
2017-4-10 Done Wain [ISS-449] Deploy to linux with servers running on port 8080 & 8181
2017-4-8 Done Alessandro Piazza [ISS-448] PerfectCrypto
2017-4-4 Unresolved Gerard Iglesias [ISS-447] Latency issues when doing some proxy behaviour with REST API call handling
2017-4-4 Rejected Ahmad Al-Sharif [ISS-446] MySQL : Calling stored procedure and reading result
2017-4-3 Done Alexey [ISS-445] PerfectTrunstile doesnt work with swift 3.1 package manager
2017-3-30 Won't Do Chris Brown [ISS-444] PerfectCurl not sending post fields
2017-3-28 Unresolved Gabriel Lanata [ISS-443] Add HTTP Proxy handler
2017-3-28 Duplicate gaojihao [ISS-442] OpenSSLInternal error use of unresolved identifier 'EVP_des_ede3_wrap
2017-3-26 Unresolved John Montiel [ISS-441] Perfect-Notifications is not negating development when initializing production in config methods
2017-3-24 Rejected jacky [ISS-440] i can not pass compile when use NSString and some Objective-C
2017-3-24 Rejected jacky [ISS-439] Summary
2017-3-22 Unresolved Bogdan [ISS-438] Perfect Mongo Turnstile Demo does not work
2017-3-22 Unresolved Bogdan [ISS-437] turnstile-mongo-demo compile error on xcode
2017-3-22 Unresolved Jerro [ISS-436] fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
2017-3-21 Rejected chenrunjue [ISS-435] Packages/COpenSSL-2.0.2/COpenSSL/include/module.modulemap
2017-3-20 Won't Do Bogdan [ISS-434] ubuntu 16.04 compile error
2017-3-19 Won't Do Bogdan [ISS-433] Serves empty static file content when response compression enabled
2017-3-18 Unresolved markd [ISS-432] Perfect Assistant - throwing errors
2017-3-18 Done cbahai [ISS-431] starting HTTPS server, when use http visit, it crash
2017-3-17 Rejected Homway Chen [ISS-430] UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer
2017-3-16 Done Ying Long [ISS-429] When compression is enabled, the server only response the first 200KB data of a .js file
2017-3-16 Duplicate Jerry Seeger [ISS-428] Perfect Crypto does not compile on Ubuntu 14
2017-3-16 Unresolved Jerry Seeger [ISS-427] No way to see the list of current issues
2017-3-16 Rejected gerry_wen [ISS-426] import PerfectLogger show error
2017-3-15 Done Chris Brown [ISS-425] Push Notifications
2017-3-15 Duplicate Ray Zhang [ISS-424] Ubuntu 14.04 error: exit(1): /usr/bin/swift-build-tool -f /path/to/PerfectTemplate/.build/debug.yaml
2017-3-12 Rejected Lope [ISS-423] Proper NetTCP usage
2017-3-8 Won't Do Jerro [ISS-422] Redis session demo
2017-3-7 Unresolved Stefan Walkner [ISS-421] InvalidProvider Token for Perfect Push
2017-3-5 Unresolved Jerro [ISS-420] SSDB a Redis replacement, optional TerarkDB engine for SSDB and other DBs
2017-3-4 Unresolved James [ISS-419] Improve URandom performance by ~2.7x more requests, 50% less CPU Usage
2017-3-2 Unresolved Jerro [ISS-418] Sessions in database create lot of entries
2017-3-2 Rejected Alexander Perechnev [ISS-417] Can't check a result of MongoCollection.insert function
2017-3-2 Rejected mcfans [ISS-416] https
2017-2-27 Unresolved M. Poroooshani [ISS-415] Perfect-MongoDB doesn't support sort in find
2017-2-23 Done Yyang [ISS-414] Https Crash
2017-2-23 Unresolved Ariel Elkin [ISS-413] Add version tags to Docker images
2017-2-21 Unresolved James [ISS-412] Improve comment in "Accessing the Session Data" section
2017-2-19 Unresolved James [ISS-411] staticFileContent doc can be improve
2017-2-19 Unresolved James [ISS-410] SwiftString with not*() APIs for error validation
2017-2-11 Unresolved James [ISS-409] Long compilation in StORM module
2017-2-10 Rejected Mahesh Babu [ISS-408] MySql Integration
2017-2-9 Rejected Jesse [ISS-407] https
2017-2-9 Done John Lyon-Smith [ISS-406] Support process groups in SysProcess
2017-2-9 Done John Lyon-Smith [ISS-405] Spelling mistake: SysProcess.detatch
2017-2-9 Done Stefan Walkner [ISS-404] Push: Value of type 'NetTCPSSL' has no member 'initializedCallback'
2017-2-9 Done 8607 [ISS-403] Image 404
2017-2-9 Done 8607 [ISS-402] Xcode->Add Build Phases->Copy File->webroot when execute "swift package generate-xcodeproj"
2017-2-8 Unresolved Eric Knibbe [ISS-401] MongoDB - failing tests involving doubles
2017-2-8 Unresolved Michael Woodruff [ISS-400] Posting username but no score in PerfectArcade causes a crash
2017-2-4 Unresolved Ubaldo [ISS-399] Compiling Perfect-NET on Armv7/ Beaglebone Green
2017-2-1 Done James [ISS-398] Facebook login unsupported response type in Perfect Authentication Demo
2017-1-29 Unresolved James [ISS-397] Handle databases with errors
2017-1-29 Won't Do James [ISS-396] Add minimum and maximum username and password length
2017-1-29 Rejected James [ISS-395] Add JIRA link on every demo
2017-1-29 Unresolved James [ISS-394] CSRF token is missing
2017-1-26 Unresolved Timothy Barnard [ISS-393] TurnstileMongoDB AccessTokenStore error
2017-1-26 Unresolved James [ISS-392] URandom slow
2017-1-25 Rejected Yoav Gross [ISS-391] Realm data base connector
2017-1-22 Unresolved Muhammad Vali [ISS-390] Error: modules should have a unique name across dependencies
2017-1-19 Won't Do hengel2810 [ISS-389] Static File Content - The file /index.html was not found.
2017-1-14 Unresolved James [ISS-388] Core dumped on empty response string with CURL
2017-1-13 Rejected toadzhou [ISS-387] build error
2017-1-12 Done James [ISS-386] Major bug cause macOS crashed and auto reboot
2017-1-10 Done James [ISS-385] Draw some diagram how StORM Saving, Retrieving and Deleting Rows
2017-1-10 Done James [ISS-384] class "User" or "Users"?
2017-1-10 Done James [ISS-383] Doc with wrong link
2017-1-8 Cannot Reproduce James [ISS-382] JSON demo crashed
2017-1-7 Won't Do Prabhu Param [ISS-381] Use of undeclared type 'WebRequest'
2017-1-7 Won't Do Nawar Nory [ISS-380] outdated link
2017-1-7 Rejected James [ISS-379] Implement Codecov for Perfect repo?
2017-1-7 Done James [ISS-378] Error on Linux: Use of unresolved identifier 'NSRegularExpression' private let parentBacktrackRegex = try! NSRegularExpression
2017-1-6 Rejected James [ISS-377] Perfect server crash if database is down/not configure correctly
2017-1-6 Unresolved Adir Burke [ISS-376] Perfect-Notifications
2017-1-6 Done James [ISS-375] Jerky font size in Perfect Docs
2017-1-5 Done James [ISS-374] Session data compound session ID?
2017-1-5 Done James [ISS-373] One more error in session memory demo
2017-1-5 Duplicate James [ISS-372] One more error in session memory deom
2017-1-5 Done James [ISS-371] Dependency graph could not be satisfied
2017-1-4 Done Devin Lai [ISS-370] Package fail when use "Trustline-postgreSQL" + HTTPServer
2017-1-4 Rejected Rod [ISS-369] Bug WebSocket example doesn't exist anymore
2017-1-4 Done Devin Lai [ISS-368] Perfect-Session-PostgreSQL-Demo-master Build Fail
2017-1-4 Done James [ISS-367] Illegal Instruction: 4
2017-1-4 Rejected joao gabriel de medeiros pereira [ISS-366] curl
2017-1-3 Unresolved James [ISS-365] User groups for authentication system?
2017-1-2 Done James [ISS-364] JWT example?
2017-1-2 Won't Do James [ISS-363] Add an "edit profile" demo page in Turnstile demo
2017-1-2 Won't Do James [ISS-362] How to access dashboard page in Turnstile demo?
2017-1-2 Unresolved James [ISS-361] Argument pass to call that takes no argument
2017-1-2 Unresolved James [ISS-360] 2 issues in Turnstile Postgres Demo
2017-1-2 Won't Do James [ISS-359] Permission denied in Turnstile Postgres Demo
2017-1-1 Rejected Nuno Manuel Dias [ISS-358] Unable to build PerfectTemplate within Xcode using MySQL
2017-1-1 Rejected chuan [ISS-357] the PerfectLib repo is so big now(30+MB).
2016-12-29 Done Rockford Wei [ISS-356] CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM and CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT are mixed and failed
2016-12-28 Won't Do Kamil Dębicki [ISS-355] PerfectCURL Compile error
2016-12-27 Rejected Rockford Wei [ISS-354] JSON converting will fail if contains comments
2016-12-24 Unresolved Tan Nghia La [ISS-353] How do I deploy perfect on heroku?
2016-12-23 Unresolved tonyduan [ISS-352] Perfect-MongoDB can't be installed
2016-12-21 Done kongfanwu [ISS-351] upload max file crash
2016-12-20 Done Zsolt Jandzso [ISS-350] Cant build on Ubuntu16.04
2016-12-18 Done thislooksfun [ISS-349] Mustache Dot Notation doesn't seem to be working
2016-12-17 Won't Do Nikolay Kost [ISS-348] HTTP PUT Support
2016-12-17 Unresolved Rockford Wei [ISS-347] to-do list of MongoDB
2016-12-17 Rejected poseido [ISS-346] wie griege ich die boot rom auf ein tote tab
2016-12-15 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-345] Assistant - crash on adding dependency with no tags
2016-12-13 Won't Do Dennis Schafroth [ISS-344] Perfect-mariadb returns Optional on NOT NULL column
2016-12-12 Unresolved Rockford Wei [ISS-343] Lambda parsing in Mustache will crash unless wrapped with a dictionary container.
2016-12-12 Unresolved Kresimir Prcela [ISS-342] Read timeout in seconds is not by default -1
2016-12-11 Done Igor Kashin [ISS-341] Have an exception EXC_BAD_ACCESS in MimeReader.swift:326 when try to upload file(s) with total size more than ~5mb using POST request. I use the latest version of Perfect on MacOs with Xcode 8.1
2016-12-8 Rejected Ronald Ledwich [ISS-340] Perfect with MySql Dependency Generates Build on Xcode 8.1
2016-12-7 Unresolved Ilan Volow [ISS-339] Perfect Assistant Apply Xcode UI Behavior Patterns To Missing Directories
2016-12-7 Won't Do philzhang [ISS-338] ld: library not found for -lCOpenSSL for architecture x86_64
2016-12-7 Rejected phil zhang [ISS-337] phil
2016-12-4 Unresolved Nikola Markovic [ISS-336] Missing Perfect-Heroku-Buildpack-Example repository
2016-12-1 Done ShangjinChi [ISS-335] [文档错误]PerfectDocs/guide.zh_CN/HTTPRequestLogging.md
2016-11-30 Unresolved Tyress Ramboyong [ISS-334] How do I $push to a mongodb array?
2016-11-24 Done ShangjinChi [ISS-333] [文档错误]PerfectDocs/guide.zh_CN/gettingStartedFromScratch.md
2016-11-19 Unresolved Philip Engberg [ISS-332] uuid-dev not found on Heroku
2016-11-18 Done Ubaldo [ISS-331] Prepared statement fail with raw data in long texts
2016-11-16 Unresolved Jay Zhao [ISS-330] WebSocket component API refactor
2016-11-15 Unresolved Jurgen Karir [ISS-329] Allow StORM objects to be JSON convertible
2016-11-14 Unresolved Henrik [ISS-328] Perfect 2.0 Heroku Deployment
2016-11-14 Unresolved Rockford Wei [ISS-327] Datetime Functions in PerfectLib / Utilities.swift documentation improvement.
2016-11-14 Rejected Dmitry [ISS-326] Please resolve issue ISS-324
2016-11-12 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-325] Docs: add an actual example for MySQL Create tables
2016-11-11 Unresolved Dmitry [ISS-324] Distinct function
2016-11-10 Done Ubaldo [ISS-323] MySQL fieldInfo structure is not usable
2016-11-10 Rejected duanshuai [ISS-322] mysql
2016-11-9 Done Henrik [ISS-321] Swift error in module PerfectHTTPServer.
2016-11-9 Done Yanjun Chen [ISS-320] build failed: MySQLStORM
2016-11-8 Unresolved Michael Bayer [ISS-319] Extend WebSocket Compatibility to conform with the Autobahn Testsuite
2016-11-7 Done Nick Xirotyris [ISS-318] Cannot build Perfect-PostgreSQL connector
2016-11-3 Unresolved fareed [ISS-317] Crashes when sending multiple notifications
2016-11-3 Won't Do Eric Knibbe [ISS-316] Perfect-CURL crashes compiler if pkg-config is installed
2016-11-2 Rejected Rockford Wei [ISS-315] PerfectTemplate Memory Leak
2016-11-1 Done Jeffrey Bergier [ISS-314] Memory Leak in Perfect-CURL
2016-11-1 Done Rod [ISS-313] More manual control like TLS version, cipher list and being able to manually verify a request
2016-11-1 Done Andrew Johnston [ISS-312] Build fail for PerfectTemplate example. OS ubuntu 16.04
2016-10-31 Rejected bingwen [ISS-311] Build fail .Package(url: "https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-HTTPServer.git", majorVersion: 2, minor: 0),
2016-10-31 Duplicate bingwen [ISS-310] Build fail: .Package(url: "https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-HTTPServer.git", majorVersion: 2, minor: 0),
2016-10-31 Duplicate bingwen [ISS-309] build fail
2016-10-31 Duplicate JGOH [ISS-308] CURL library error after packaged build
2016-10-28 Won't Do Paul [ISS-307] Cannot compile PerfectTemplate on RaspberryPi running Ubuntu 16.04
2016-10-26 Unresolved Rockford Wei [ISS-306] Xcode 8.0 can't compile iOS client of UltimateNaughtsAndCrosses
2016-10-26 Unresolved Rockford Wei [ISS-305] SPM 3.0 reported warnings for deprecated functions in UltimateNaughtsAndCrosse
2016-10-25 Done Rey Alejandro Arias Sandoval [ISS-304] I get "Linker Command Failed with exit code 1" error
2016-10-24 Rejected zhifeng hu [ISS-303] Swift build failed with PerfectTemplate
2016-10-24 Done Rod [ISS-302] "Certification authority" validation
2016-10-24 Unresolved Matteo Manni [ISS-301] PerfectNotifications: PushIOS gets (500, NoResponse) when sending multiple notifications at once
2016-10-23 Done Wain [ISS-300] MySQL statement crash on close when bound with a NULL
2016-10-22 Done Chris Barker [ISS-299] fileError(2, "No such file or directory .......... File.swift open(_:permissions:) 232")
2016-10-22 Rejected hengel2810 [ISS-298] SQL Building error with Docker under Ubuntu 14.04
2016-10-21 Unresolved Miroslav Kovac [ISS-297] Failed to detect set buildpack
2016-10-21 Done Miroslav Kovac [ISS-296] Cannot deploy the app with MongoDB connector with error: 'uuid/uuid.h' file not found
2016-10-20 Duplicate 泥洹 [ISS-295] mustache Demo Has error
2016-10-19 Rejected Colm Du Ve [ISS-294] MSSQL
2016-10-19 Won't Do Gonzalo Nunez [ISS-293] Recommendations for a Database?
2016-10-18 Duplicate Feng Qiang [ISS-292] Can't build in xcode 8
2016-10-17 Unresolved Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-291] Perfect-SQLite failing test on testMultiThread1 (Ubuntu 16)
2016-10-17 Rejected 泥洹 [ISS-290] 如何看到以前的问题
2016-10-11 Unresolved Kelvin Lau [ISS-289] Seems like the "Ultimate Noughts & Crosses iOS" repo is missing a bunch of files: Board.swift, EndPoint.swift, Field.swift, GameState.swift, PieceType.swift, PlayerType.swift, SquareGrid.swift
2016-10-11 Done Hitendra Solanki [ISS-288] I am getting error when running using Xcode Project Error : <-Header "openssl.h" not found->, Xcode Version : 8.0 8A218a
2016-10-10 Done Wain [ISS-287] NetTCPSSL crashes
2016-10-10 Won't Do cheer [ISS-286] buildpack
2016-10-9 Done Guibs [ISS-285] 中文文档增加服务器路由处翻译错误
2016-10-9 Done Guibs [ISS-284] You got a extra point(.) after the routes
2016-10-8 Done 泥洹 [ISS-283] not found for -lCOpenSSL
2016-10-8 Cannot Reproduce qiruihua [ISS-282] Starting HTTP server on with document root ./webroot failed
2016-10-8 Duplicate qiruihua [ISS-281] Starting HTTP server on with document root ./webroot
2016-10-7 Won't Do felix [ISS-280] lCOpenSSL
2016-10-5 Done Joe Pisciotto [ISS-279] Perfect-HTTPServer build error
2016-10-2 Duplicate J.C. Subida [ISS-278] PerfectTemplate xcodeproj - Swift Compiler Error
2016-10-2 Unresolved Shane Qi [ISS-277] SQLite3 busy_timeout does't work.
2016-9-28 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-276] CookieAdd, seconds interpreted as minutes.
2016-9-28 Duplicate 泥洹 [ISS-275] 谁用swift创建了服务器啊? ld: library not found for -lCOpenSSL for architecture x86_64
2016-9-27 Duplicate shinancao [ISS-274] library not found for -lCOpenSSL for architecture when build the project
2016-9-27 Done sunweirong [ISS-273] compile with xcode
2016-9-25 Unresolved Andrei Popa [ISS-272] MySQL.Results conformance to Sequence protocol
2016-9-25 Duplicate Alexander Belyavskiy [ISS-271] Cann
2016-9-24 Done Wain [ISS-270] Custom logging facility for production use
2016-9-21 Done Robert Bojor [ISS-269] MySQLStmt - numRows always returns 0
2016-9-20 Rejected Pascal van der Locht [ISS-268] SQL Library not found in Xcode after creating the Project over Terminal
2016-9-18 Unresolved James Smith [ISS-267] PerfectRedis does not escape quotation marks ('") when sending a redis command
2016-9-18 Done Alexsander Akers [ISS-266] urlVariables are lowercased
2016-9-18 Duplicate Alexsander Akers [ISS-265] Cannot use PerfectNet in generated Xcode project
2016-9-9 Done Shane Qi [ISS-264] Make SQLite handleRow a throwable parameter.
2016-9-8 Won't Do Erick Vavretchek [ISS-263] How to Execute Store Procedures on MySQL5
2016-9-6 Unresolved Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-262] iOS compatibility for core Lib: wordexp(inPath, &wexp, 0)
2016-9-5 Won't Do Mad George [ISS-261] Why do you continue supply not working template project and examples?
2016-9-1 Cannot Reproduce Pablo [ISS-260] test
2016-8-29 Done dev0x10 [ISS-259] Error On Running swift build
2016-8-29 Done Eneko Alonso [ISS-258] Cannot access open issues on JIRA
2016-8-28 Won't Do Nael Mohammad [ISS-257] New Feature
2016-8-26 Done Kevin Lohman [ISS-256] Failure to compile - PerfectThread "unknown attribute 'escaping'"
2016-8-24 Done Stefan Veis Pennerup [ISS-255] Not possible to inherit from JSONConvertibleObject
2016-8-24 Done Edward Jiang [ISS-254] Please pin your dependencies to specific versions
2016-8-23 Done Edward Jiang [ISS-253] Attach Data to the Request Object
2016-8-22 Done Miroslav Kovac [ISS-252] Error compiling PerfectLib - @escaping attribute only applies to function types
2016-8-22 Unresolved Vexy [ISS-251] MySQL example - compile error
2016-8-15 Done Sam Dods [ISS-250] Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'OpenSSL'
2016-8-15 Won't Do dragon [ISS-249] (swiftlang-800.0.30 clang-800.0.24)
2016-8-11 Done zhifeng hu [ISS-248] error: use of undeclared type 'UnsafeMutableRawPointer'
2016-8-11 Done zhifeng hu [ISS-247] error: use of undeclared type 'UnsafeMutableRawPointer'
2016-8-10 Done Vexy [ISS-246] Amazon
2016-8-9 Done Jeffrey Bergier [ISS-245] PerfectCURL package does not compile on OS X
2016-8-9 Done Zeev Gross [ISS-244] Error while building ThreadQueue.swift
2016-8-9 Duplicate Zeev Gross [ISS-243] ThreadQueue.swift:205:52: error: use of undeclared type 'UnsafeMutableRawPointer' typealias ThreadFunction = @convention(c) (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer?
2016-8-8 Done Koichi Adachi [ISS-242] error: use of undeclared type 'Never'
2016-8-8 Unresolved Kurt Bitner [ISS-241] MIssing module libpq
2016-8-7 Done Benoit Sarrazin [ISS-240] Unable to link openssl as indicated in the documentation
2016-8-5 Done Sihao Lu [ISS-239] I can't see any issues in jira
2016-8-4 Done Maxim Khatskevich [ISS-238] WebSocket server-side functionality with Perfect framework???
2016-8-4 Done Lucas Juviniano [ISS-237] PerfectNet use of undeclared type 'Never'
2016-8-4 Done hengel2810 [ISS-236] Error with Xcode 8.4
2016-8-4 Done Andrei Gubceac [ISS-235] Version 8.0 beta 4 not building
2016-8-3 Done Jeffrey Bergier [ISS-234] brew link openssl --force is not longer respected
2016-8-1 Won't Do Zeev Gross [ISS-233] I have failed to build. both command line and Xcode. not sure how to resolve the SWIFT-VERSION. 31 euros in the build
2016-7-27 Done Shao [ISS-232] Using Master Branches with Older Swifts
2016-7-27 Won't Do Shao [ISS-231] PerfectNet ff0aaec6 Breaks Swift 2016-06-20
2016-7-27 Unresolved Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-230] Add socket.io functionality
2016-7-27 Duplicate Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-229] MySQL tests on CI Server
2016-7-27 Unresolved Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-228] MySQL on Mac, using Oracle installer
2016-7-27 Done Shane Qi [ISS-227] A try handling is missed in document.
2016-7-25 Cannot Reproduce Dmitry Coolerov [ISS-226] Autocompletion doesn't work with Xcode 8
2016-7-21 Won't Do Henrik Engelbrink [ISS-225] Setup Server with SSL/TLS Certificate
2016-7-19 Unresolved Shane Qi [ISS-224] Cannot Import PerfectLib under Xcode 8 beta 2 and OS X 10.11.5/6 (Added Reproducing Repo)
2016-7-17 Unresolved PMST [ISS-223] No Such Module OpenSSL
2016-7-16 Unresolved mnbao1975 [ISS-222] No such module 'OpenSSL'
2016-7-15 Unresolved Dmitry Coolerov [ISS-221] Run Perfect on DigitalOcean server
2016-7-4 Unresolved Hannes Sverrisson [ISS-220] Update README.md
2016-7-3 Unresolved PMST [ISS-219] Sample Access the server’s document directory and return an image file to the client occurred Problem
2016-7-1 Unresolved Paolo Musolino [ISS-218] Perfect + Foundation on Ubuntu server
2016-6-30 Unresolved Wes Byrne [ISS-217] Slow response time
2016-6-28 Unresolved kurtbitner [ISS-216] Missing OpenSSL
2016-6-27 Unresolved mtso [ISS-215] Swift compiler error
2016-6-26 Unresolved Muhammad Adnan Aftab [ISS-214] Refactoring few methods in File.swift to use guard syntax to
2016-6-26 Unresolved Muhammad Adnan Aftab [ISS-213] refactor dynamic loader class to look more like Swift
2016-6-24 Unresolved Muhammad Adnan Aftab [ISS-212] Using 'where' and 'guard' to remove pyramid of doom created by if els…
2016-6-24 Won't Do Charles Harroch [ISS-211] Perfect with 3.0-Preview in Heroku
2016-6-22 Unresolved Joe Ferrucci [ISS-210] update Routes usage description
2016-6-21 Unresolved SonWa [ISS-209] It can be made into a simple chat server?
2016-6-21 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-208] Docker error
2016-6-18 Unresolved Georg [ISS-207] Error: cannot convert value of type 'ThreadFunction'
2016-6-17 Unresolved Ryan Collins [ISS-206] Readme Main Banner Link
2016-6-14 Done Ray Hwang [ISS-205] Unable to build template (xcode 8 beta)
2016-6-14 Unresolved David Bielik [ISS-204] Raspberry pi support?
2016-6-11 Unresolved dhana [ISS-203] BuildingPerfectTemplate in Ubuntu 14.04 in AWS with swift 3.0 latest development build
2016-6-10 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-202] PerfectNet integer type issues
2016-6-10 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-201] OpenSSL errors in build on Debian/ARM
2016-6-10 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-200] PerfectNet fails to build Ubuntu15
2016-6-10 Unresolved Ryan Collins [ISS-199] Fixed an error where mustache partials would fail to include
2016-6-8 Unresolved wildfiremedia [ISS-198] Unexpected networking error: 24 'Too many open files'
2016-6-7 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-197] Build error using DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-06-06-a
2016-6-7 Unresolved Cameron Perry [ISS-196] Perfect can't build with Ubuntu15, DEVELOPMENT-SNAPSHOT-2016-05-31-a
2016-6-2 Unresolved Kingiol [ISS-195] the new way of swift 3.0 to generate xcodeproj
2016-6-1 Done Ivan Chirkov [ISS-194] Routing not working on Linux
2016-5-31 Done miciny [ISS-193] how can i get the field name of the mysql.storeResults()?
2016-5-31 Unresolved Ivan Chirkov [ISS-192] How to use the Routing and mustaches at the same time?
2016-5-26 Rejected Ke Yang [ISS-191] Any instruction how to import GCD into swift-backend project?
2016-5-22 Unresolved Barney Chen [ISS-190] About Swift 3.0 ?
2016-5-20 Unresolved profburke [ISS-189] JSONConvertible missing from PerfectLibiOS target
2016-5-17 Unresolved Kinfey [ISS-188] Perfect Server make fail
2016-5-15 Unresolved Kinfey [ISS-187] MimeType.o error
2016-5-14 Unresolved Shane Qi [ISS-186] Handling high&low surrogate pairs.
2016-5-12 Unresolved Vitaliy Gudenko [ISS-185] Deploy on Heroku with MySQL connector.
2016-5-11 Unresolved Richard [ISS-184] Cannot access files in subfolders
2016-5-11 Unresolved Kinfey [ISS-183] Swift build Error
2016-5-9 Unresolved KevinGong2013 [ISS-182] Warning: Class XXX is implemented in both [PATH1] and [PATH2]. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2016-5-9 Won't Do victorZeng1225 [ISS-181] (Error for compiling PerfectLib)make: swift: Command not found make: *** [ICU.o] Error 127
2016-5-6 Unresolved Sergey Gavrilyuk [ISS-180] Refactoring: responder chain
2016-5-5 Unresolved Nicholas [ISS-179] Entry for Tutorial Contest: Setup, Request Handling and MySQL Video
2016-5-5 Unresolved Shane Qi [ISS-178] "array cannot be bridged from Objective-C" when encode [[String: AnyObject]] object with jsonEncoder.
2016-5-4 Unresolved Ryan Collins [ISS-177] Tutorial Contest Entry - Introduction to Perfect Video Series
2016-5-3 Unresolved iRobbin [ISS-176] How can i build project success in Ubuntu when i use foundation module
2016-5-2 Unresolved Anatoly Rosencrantz [ISS-175] Tutorial for contest: Swift, Perfect, mustache and PostgreSQL on Heroku
2016-4-28 Unresolved ambientlight [ISS-174] PerfectServer out of the box building on Ubuntu with SPM
2016-4-28 Unresolved ambientlight [ISS-173] cURL fixes
2016-4-27 Unresolved Edward Valentini [ISS-172] can't get perfectlib to compile on ubuntu 14.04 LTS
2016-4-26 Unresolved Ahmed Hamdy [ISS-171] structure of Perfect
2016-4-26 Unresolved ambientlight [ISS-170] cURL: perform() will never callback the closure
2016-4-25 Unresolved Kajal Sinha [ISS-169] Please can we reduce the spaces in tab from 8 to 4 or even 2 (better)
2016-4-24 Unresolved FibonacciRedstone [ISS-168] Viewing/Playing MP4 Video on Server, Crashes Server
2016-4-16 Unresolved kenthinson [ISS-167] Example Authenticator Client Crashes when pressing Register button
2016-4-16 Unresolved kenthinson [ISS-166] Example Taptracker does not work as downloaded.
2016-4-15 Unresolved Sofiane Beors [ISS-165] Update README.md
2016-4-14 Unresolved Ryan Collins [ISS-164] Debugging a scheme as root in OS X allows binding to port 80, but breaks runRequest()
2016-4-12 Unresolved Will Zhang [ISS-163] How do we create our own server with PerfectLib ?
2016-4-10 Unresolved j22chan [ISS-162] File.swift:22:8: error: could not build Objective-C module 'LinuxBridge' import LinuxBridge
2016-4-8 Unresolved skytoup [ISS-161] The example "Tap Tracker" doesn't work
2016-4-5 Unresolved Sean Stephens [ISS-160] Perfect should be more "Swifty"
2016-3-31 Unresolved wuqiong [ISS-159] FireFox can't connect to Perfect WebSocket Server.
2016-3-30 Unresolved Sergii Puliaiev [ISS-158] HTTP request from server
2016-3-30 Unresolved wuqiong [ISS-157] PerfectLib JSON-Encoding issue.
2016-3-25 Unresolved Lancha [ISS-156] Where to find PerfectLib.framework
2016-3-25 Unresolved wuqiong [ISS-155] make abandoned session also deleted in SQLite DB./Fix JSON-Encode issue./Fix Firefox-WebSocket issue.
2016-3-25 Unresolved Mariam AlJamea [ISS-154] Update README.md
2016-3-18 Unresolved Georg [ISS-153] Correct PostgreSQL module location on linux
2016-3-16 Unresolved Petr Pavlik [ISS-152] merge
2016-3-15 Unresolved Sean Stephens [ISS-151] Simple Deployment Options
2016-3-15 Unresolved Petr Pavlik [ISS-150] Add support for MongoDB connection pooling
2016-3-14 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-149] if need be, set apns-topic value to request header
2016-3-14 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-148] encode UInt value to json
2016-3-12 Unresolved Generatron [ISS-147] Make separate repos for Server,PerfectLib,MySQL. MongoDB, etc.
2016-3-11 Unresolved iQQator [ISS-146] make fail
2016-3-11 Unresolved jezhawk [ISS-145] Update README.md
2016-3-11 Unresolved Sean Stephens [ISS-144] Apache v2.0 is the Perfect license
2016-3-9 Unresolved Michael Critz [ISS-143] Improved websockets html file to be a more compelling example
2016-3-8 Unresolved Petr Pavlik [ISS-142] Make MongoClient init throwable and call close() inside deinits of mongo classes
2016-3-8 Unresolved da-na [ISS-141] Add LINUX section in examples
2016-3-7 Unresolved Alexandros Spyropoulos [ISS-140] Refactoring: Investigate Use of external template engine
2016-3-6 Unresolved Gary Kash [ISS-139] errors while building PerfectServer: undefined reference
2016-3-5 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-138] Fix integer type bug in MySQL Connector
2016-3-4 Unresolved Tomasz Korzeniowski [ISS-137] codebeat badge
2016-3-2 Unresolved Andrey [ISS-136] Run server not through Xcode.
2016-3-1 Unresolved Leo Yang [ISS-135] Make install path configurable through environment variable on Linux
2016-2-26 Unresolved Clint Cabanero [ISS-134] Error with make PerfectServer on Ubuntu 14.04 with Swift Snapshot
2016-2-23 Unresolved Andrey [ISS-133] request.urlVariables return always lowercase string
2016-2-23 Unresolved Andrey [ISS-132] Swagger
2016-2-22 Unresolved sumantimalsina9 [ISS-131] MySQL connection
2016-2-20 Unresolved Daniel Becker [ISS-130] Fixed a possible memory leak
2016-2-19 Unresolved Kinfey [ISS-129] Swift Package Manager
2016-2-18 Unresolved zhuowei [ISS-128] curl.setOption(CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS) causes use-after-free of the fields parameter
2016-2-18 Unresolved Jason Dusek [ISS-127] Use old references to options names
2016-2-16 Unresolved Lucas Goossen [ISS-126] Added "Embedded Content Contains Swift Code = YES" to the template
2016-2-13 Unresolved Mark Johnson [ISS-125] Add More Binding types for MySQL
2016-2-12 Unresolved Viet Tran Xuan [ISS-124] Cannot build PerfectLib on Ubuntu 15.10
2016-2-11 Unresolved Vince Marco [ISS-123] Feature request: AWS Lambda support
2016-2-11 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-122] add CURL test
2016-2-11 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-121] add dependency 'uuid-dev' to README
2016-2-10 Unresolved Kinfey [ISS-120] Compile PerfectLib error in Ubuntu 14.04
2016-2-10 Rejected GJ Nilsen [ISS-119] Docs: Guide for installing Perfect on default OS X Server 5.0
2016-2-9 Unresolved Royce Dy [ISS-118] Error: could not build Objective-C module 'LinuxBridge'
2016-2-9 Unresolved Eimantas [ISS-117] Latest perfect release can't find Foundation
2016-2-8 Unresolved Tom Löffelmann [ISS-116] Fix Typo in PerfectLib Readme
2016-2-8 Unresolved pyros2097 [ISS-115] Fix typo
2016-2-7 Unresolved 72A12F4E [ISS-114] PerfectLib: Readme.md does not list dependency on libicu-dev.
2016-2-7 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-113] can't send post data using by CURL
2016-2-7 Unresolved Kinfey [ISS-112] MySql Unicode Problem
2016-2-6 Unresolved Kinfey [ISS-111] How to start Perfect Server in Xcode
2016-2-2 Unresolved John Lin [ISS-110] Make target for installing Xcode Template
2016-2-1 Unresolved John Lin [ISS-109] Make request.postParams a dictionary instead of an Array of tuples
2016-1-30 Unresolved Lucas Goossen [ISS-108] Added func debugStringOfTuples() -> String to PGResult.
2016-1-28 Unresolved Lucas Goossen [ISS-107] Fix testStringByDeletingLastPathComponent
2016-1-28 Unresolved Lucas Goossen [ISS-106] [WIP] remove self
2016-1-27 Unresolved George Urick [ISS-105] Tutorial/Guide coming?
2016-1-27 Unresolved Scott Gauthreaux [ISS-104] Fixed Typos
2016-1-26 Unresolved Felix [ISS-103] Fixed unicode characters handling
2016-1-26 Unresolved James Richard [ISS-102] self. is everywhere
2016-1-26 Unresolved Felix [ISS-101] Fixed unicode character handling
2016-1-25 Unresolved Felix [ISS-100] Fixed crash when call storeResults before making any query
2016-1-24 Unresolved Tyler Long [ISS-99] HTTP Server, unicode folder name
2016-1-23 Unresolved Christopher Davis [ISS-98] Swift and Perfect Installer
2016-1-23 Unresolved Lucas Goossen [[ISS-97] Refractor String:Any to MustacheEvaluationContext.MapType()](./issue/ISS-97.md)
2016-1-23 Unresolved Lucas Goossen [ISS-96] gitignoring *.xcscmblueprint
2016-1-23 Unresolved Lucas Goossen [ISS-95] Updated MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET across the board.
2016-1-22 Unresolved Lucas Goossen [ISS-94] Made documentRoot public and lazy
2016-1-21 Unresolved Felix [ISS-93] Added --libpath
2016-1-21 Unresolved Felix [ISS-92] Added --libpath
2016-1-20 Unresolved Lucas Goossen [ISS-91] Small Typo. Binary not sting.
2016-1-18 Unresolved Tanner [ISS-90] Laravel style controllers
2016-1-18 Unresolved Felix [ISS-89] Support UNSIGNED BIGINT
2016-1-17 Unresolved zero_coder [ISS-88] Handle request concurrently
2016-1-17 Unresolved shinriyo [ISS-87] typo
2016-1-17 Unresolved shinriyo [ISS-86] typo
2016-1-17 Unresolved shinriyo [ISS-85] typo
2016-1-16 Unresolved Mike Henson [ISS-84] Update code to quiet Swift 2.2 deprecation warnings
2016-1-15 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-83] Make useful String methods public
2016-1-15 Unresolved Felix [ISS-82] Suggest: use tyrone-sudeium/JSONCore instead of JSON.swift
2016-1-14 Unresolved Felix [ISS-81] Little improvements
2016-1-13 Unresolved Eimantas [ISS-80] Fix typo in comment.
2016-1-12 Unresolved Scott Gauthreaux [ISS-79] Fix self retain cycles
2016-1-12 Unresolved Scott Gauthreaux [ISS-78] JSONEncode should use type methods or be renamed JSONEncoder
2016-1-12 Unresolved Felix [ISS-77] Some fixes
2016-1-11 Won't Do Felix [ISS-76] Load/Reload .so without restart server?
2016-1-8 Unresolved Tangdixi [ISS-75] no umbrella header
2016-1-8 Unresolved Konstantinos Kontos [ISS-74] Crash when deleting object in MongoDb 3.2.0
2016-1-7 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-73] can not read static file in using URL routing on Perfect Server HTTP
2016-1-7 Unresolved Youssef Sholqamy [ISS-72] An ExpressJs like framework.
2016-1-7 Unresolved lyenliang [ISS-71] How to run MySQLTests.swift?
2016-1-6 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-70] Add attributes to cookie
2016-1-4 Unresolved drppublic [ISS-69] Swift NGINX Module?
2016-1-4 Unresolved Alexander Belyavskiy [ISS-68] Make subscript methods public
2016-1-4 Unresolved aotgc [ISS-67] not support websocket
2015-12-29 Unresolved cwoloszynski [ISS-66] Getting started error: No such module PerfectLib
2015-12-29 Unresolved Felix [ISS-65] Support SSL? If not,please support SSL.
2015-12-29 Unresolved cwoloszynski [ISS-64] Current License Terms for the client code are unacceptable
2015-12-23 Unresolved Cian [ISS-63] no such module "perfectlib"
2015-12-23 Unresolved dylanreich [ISS-62] Authenticator example does not validate password.
2015-12-23 Unresolved Cameron Deardorff [ISS-61] Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftAppKit.dylib
2015-12-22 Unresolved daqian [ISS-60] The file "TapTracker" was not found.
2015-12-20 Unresolved Cameron Deardorff [ISS-59] MySQL Connector Build Failed
2015-12-19 Unresolved iAchieved.it [ISS-58] WebRequest has no method for accessing body
2015-12-19 Unresolved iAchieved.it [ISS-57] Trailing URL Variables not placed in urlVariables dictionary
2015-12-19 Unresolved yonell [ISS-56] Add textField.resignFirstResponder to Authenticator Client example
2015-12-18 Unresolved Thomas Catterall [ISS-55] Docker image
2015-12-16 Unresolved Brad O'Hearne [ISS-54] Building on Linux
2015-12-15 Unresolved Clive Moore [ISS-53] Update README.md
2015-12-15 Unresolved Thibaut Noah [ISS-52] Cannot build on osx, make failed
2015-12-15 Unresolved cccccc [ISS-51] pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np unresolved,any one can help me?
2015-12-14 Unresolved Khalil-Ciret [ISS-50] Issue when launching the server on Ubuntu 15-10 : "the file / was not found"
2015-12-13 Unresolved Suminda Dharmasena [ISS-49] Permissive license - ASL 2.0, MIT, BSD
2015-12-13 Unresolved Takeo Namba [ISS-48] can't start perfectserverfcgi on Ubuntu 15.10
2015-12-12 Unresolved C0deH4cker [ISS-47] Add Ubuntu 14.04 support by fixing libicu symbol naming issues
2015-12-10 Unresolved Mark Windrim [ISS-46] PerfectLib compiled, but PerfectServer failed
2015-12-8 Unresolved Chuck Finley [ISS-45] mustache spelling fix
2015-12-7 Unresolved Stark Shaw [ISS-44] Perfect Server runs fine in Xcode, but not when I click the .app file.
2015-12-7 Unresolved Sofiane Beors [ISS-43] MYSQL / MongoDB Doc
2015-12-6 Done cwoloszynski [ISS-42] support for web sockets and socket.io planned?
2015-12-6 Unresolved Sofiane Beors [ISS-41] Modified the design of the Perfect HTTP App
2015-12-4 Unresolved Serge Huber [ISS-40] License Rationale and Clarification
2015-12-3 Unresolved Kyle Frost [ISS-39] Swift is now open source
2015-11-30 Unresolved Viva [ISS-38] Send data with POST / GET request
2015-11-30 Unresolved Lukasz Solniczek [ISS-37] Routing
2015-11-30 Cannot Reproduce Jeff [ISS-36] Run "Tap Tracker" is not displayed 'Tap Button', But it displays an error, the error is: _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey
2015-11-30 Unresolved Niels van Hoorn [ISS-35] tvOS support
2015-11-30 Unresolved yuankui [ISS-34] home page too shining...
2015-11-29 Done Shao [ISS-33] [project] Replace instances of "moustache"
2015-11-29 Unresolved sergdort [ISS-32] Dependency manager integration
2015-11-28 Unresolved Andrew Breckenridge [ISS-31] Deploy on AWS?
2015-11-28 Unresolved Sean Stephens [ISS-30] Cleaned up the Badgers
2015-11-27 Unresolved Jordon Davidson [ISS-29] Change name of handler in comment to match what is being called
2015-11-27 Unresolved Ankish [ISS-28] Swift server supporting other platforms like Android
2015-11-25 Unresolved Fabio K. [ISS-27] Tap Tracker Example error
2016-7-20 Unresolved Anton Fedorchenko [ISS-26] Build error ld: library not found for -lmysqlclient for architecture x86_64
2016-7-20 Unresolved Shao [ISS-25] Doesn't Build on Ubuntu 16.04
2016-7-16 Won't Do Piyush Chauhan [ISS-24] MySQL - Failing tests for varchars
2016-7-7 Done Shao [ISS-23] Doesn't Build on Ubuntu 14.04
2016-6-17 Done Collin Hundley [ISS-22] MariaDB compatibility?
2016-5-25 Unresolved Mike Greiner [ISS-21] The MySQL.Results class now handles NULL values in the result set
2016-5-25 Unresolved Mike Greiner [ISS-20] MySQL.Results objects do not handle NULL values in result sets
2016-5-19 Unresolved Mike Greiner [ISS-19] Removed the force unwrapping when calling MySQL.connect(...)
2016-5-2 Unresolved Mark Johnson [ISS-18] This package needs a release to be usable by SPM
2016-4-30 Cannot Reproduce Daniel P Burton [ISS-17] Rows returned as array of strings
2016-4-28 Unresolved Mike Greiner [ISS-16] Fix issue ISS-15: Infinite loop on connect()
2016-4-28 Unresolved Mike Greiner [ISS-15] Infinite loop when calling connect()
2016-7-21 Unresolved Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-14] MongoDB Connector - add row parse functions
2016-7-11 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-13] Perfect-HTTPServer test syntax error
2016-7-11 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-12] Perfect-FastCGI build fail - ubuntu
2016-7-11 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-11] Perfect-CURL test fails
2016-7-11 Unresolved Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-10] PerfectUltimateNaughtsAndCrosses Test error
2016-7-11 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-9] Perfect-WebSockets test error
2016-7-11 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-8] Perfect-Redis test error
2016-7-11 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-7] Perfect-PostgreSQL test errors
2016-7-11 Done Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-6] Perfect-Notifications test error
2016-7-11 Unresolved Jonathan Guthrie [ISS-5] Perfect-MongoDB build error - Ubuntu - mongoc.h path

Further Information

For more information on the Perfect project, please visit perfect.org.