
need to do some binary search trees

look up magic methods

GET AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner PREP FOR CLF-C02

UPDATE RESUME, CONTINUE Cloud practitioner program (follow free code camp version??) code competition

TODO Organize

prioritize tasks

Look into dynamic programming memoization type-level-typescript

learn about hydration

Pydantic + FastAPI

openAPI spec complaitn REST framework

job hunt restart ASAP

  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner study
  2. update resume(s)
  3. job hunt/apply
  4. get some projects

// Given a list of boarding passes, construct an itinerary. // Input: // LAX -> HNL // SFO -> LAX // HNL -> NRT // // Output: // SFO -> LAX -> HNL -> NRT

GET BACK TO IT!!! Talk to Jason's recruiter!

svelte/sveltekit + daisyUI Astro django postgres alpine.js? supabase

!!!!!! apps then job hunt break it down into smaller problems