
Adam Li's website. 1st time programming in HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Primary LanguageHTML


Languages Used: HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Concepts Used: Web Design, Web Development, UI

Adam's Website (1st Time)

Adam Li's website. 1st time programming in HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I built this over the course of two weeks to give myself a crash course in programming on the web. I learned through online documentation and checking out other people's websites. Everything was developed on Notepad ++.

This will store links to my projects and portfolio, and provide a sample of my Curriculum Vitae. In addition, I have a link to my WordPress, where I have started blogging about various issues on technology, education and business.

This website is currently depracated and was mainly used as a way for me to understand the basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript. For more information on me, please see my LinkedIn, or current website.