SENAITE Ansible Playbook

This Ansible playbook provisions a complete industry-proven SENAITE server


This paybook provisions a SENAITE installation running on a suitable Plone environment.

The Playbook is splitted into different tasks which need to be run in a specific order:

  • senaite_base.yml

    • Installs system packages.
  • senaite_plone.yml

  • senaite_haproxy

    • Dependency Role: geerlingguy.haproxy
    • Installs HAProxy and copies over custom templates from the templates folder.
  • senaite_varnish

    • Dependency Role: geerlingguy.varnish
    • Installs Varnish and copies over custom templates from the templates folder.
  • senaite_nginx

    • Dependency Role: geerlingguy.nginx
    • Installs NGINX and copies over custom templates from the templates folder.
  • senaite_munin

    • Dependency Role: geerlingguy.munin
    • Installs MUNIN and copies over custom templates from the templates folder.
  • senaite_postfix

    • Dependency Role: tersmitten.postfix
    • Installs Postfix and copies over custom templates from the templates folder.

Vagrant Quickstart

Start the Vagrant box:

vagrant up

This starts up a local Vagrant box listening on Please see Vagrantfile for more details.

Install the Ansible requirements:

ansible-galaxy install -f -r requirements.yml

This will download all the required roles for this Playbook into the roles directory.

Run the Vagrant playbook:

ansible-playbook -i vagrant_hosts.cfg vagrant_playbook.yml

This will run the Playbook vagrant_playbook.yml on the hosts defined in vagrant_hosts.cfg.

Open a browser and go to to access your SENAITE site.

There is a control panel website at installed, which contains static links to the other installed services.


This section provides answers and solutions to some common answsers and pitfalls.

I see only a plain Plone website installed

You need to go to the add-ons control panel and install SENAITE Core/LIMS, e.g.

Errors occur during buildout

Error: Wheels are not supported


handler in zc.buildout.easy_install.UNPACKERS
  Loading extensions.
  Getting distribution for 'mr.developer==1.37'.
Error: Wheels are not supported

Setuptools 38.2.0 started supporting wheels which fails in zc.buildout < 2.10.0. Please pin zc.buildout to version 2.10.0 in your buildout.cfg

Error: Couldn't find a distribution for 'plone.api'

Please add this index section to your buildout.cfg:

index =


Create a folder, e.g. my.senaite.playbook and clone the senaite.ansible-playbook into it:

mkdir my.senaite.playbook
cd my.senaite.playbook
git clone
touch ansible.cfg configure.yml hosts.cfg playbook.yml

The final file structure should look like this:

├── ansible.cfg
├── configure.yml
├── hosts.cfg
├── playbook.yml
└── senaite.ansible-playbook

In the ansible.cfg you need to enter where ansible should look for roles:

vim ansible.cfg

roles_path = senaite.ansible-playbook/roles

In the configure.yml you can overwrite all variables from senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_configure.yml:

vim configure.yml

plone_initial_password: "mysecret"
munin_admin_user: "admin"
munin_admin_password: "mysecret"
haproxy_stats_user: "admin"
haproxy_stats_pass: "mysecret"
supervisor_http_user: "admin"
supervisor_http_pass: "mysecret"
firewall_open_tcp_ports: [22, 25, 80, 443]
nginx_keepalive_timeout: "300"

The hosts.cfg defines your custom host:

vim hosts.cfg

senaite ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_user=myuser ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_rsa

Finally the playbook.yml puts all the pieces togehter:

vim playbook.yml


- hosts: vm
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
  gather_facts: yes
    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_pre_tasks.yml
    # Include our onw overwrite variables
    - name: Include variables defined in `configure.yml`
      include_vars: configure.yml
        - always

    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_base.yml
    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_plone.yml
    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_haproxy.yml
    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_varnish.yml
    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_nginx.yml
    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_munin.yml
    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_postfix.yml
    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_security.yml

    - include: senaite.ansible-playbook/senaite_handlers.yml

Now you can run your playbook with this command:

ansible-playbook -i hosts.cfg playbook.yml