
Kaggle Human Protein Atlas Image Classification Challenge (top 7%)

Primary LanguagePython


PyTorch implementation for Kaggle Human Protein Atlas Image Classification Challenge


  • Model
    • ResNet18 backbone (pretrained on ImageNet)
    • Small decoder for image reconstruction
  • Input size: (512, 512, 4) (RGBY)
  • Augmentation
    • Random horizontal flip
    • Random vertical flip
    • Random affine transformation (rotation, translation, scale)
  • Batch size: 40
  • Optimizer: SGD
  • Learning rate: cosine annealing from 5e-2 to 4e-4 (1 cycle)
  • Weight decay: 1e-4
  • Loss functions
    • Binary Cross Entropy (BCE)
      • Log-damped class frequency pos_weights, without oversampling rare data
    • Mean Square Error (MSE) for image reconstruction (unsupervised)
      • To learn a good feature representation as an auxiliary signal
    • Prediction for # of class co-occurrence (COOC)
      • Get higher confidence of predictions with higher threshold
  • 5 folds (random split), 20 epochs for each fold

Final prediction

  • The mean of the predictions of 5-fold model with 8 TTA (transpose + flip)
  • Threshold: 0.4
  • Score (with data leak): public LB 0.568 / private LB 0.516 (138th / 2236)


  • pytorch 0.4.1
  • torchvision 0.2.1
  • numpy
  • opencv
  • scikit-learn
  • pandas
  • tqdm

pip install -r requirements.txt



  • Download data from Kaggle HPA competition
  • Extract train/test.zip
  • Download HPAv18 external data and HPAv18RGBY_WithoutUncertain_wodpl.csv
  • Put the external data into the corresponding external directory
  • Modify the path appropriately in config.json
  • Run PYTHONPATH=. python loaders/hpa_loader.py first to generate training/validation data lists

To train/test the model, create final submission

python [train, test, merge].py -h for more details