
experimental area for mcu programming

Primary LanguageC

NXP LPC1114-school

sandbox for experiments and learnings

  • how about using existing 16 timer? is everything on same clock now?
  • tried LUT for jitter, no effect.
  • Tried blocking interrupts, no go
  • tried tuning frequency to just over 100HZ, no good.
  • Is it the clock?

its not the LEDs; oothers do it. Its not the different timers because I've elimitated the systick and timer functions Voltage or current related? not power supply; tried lipo w/ higher voltage.

MIDI Monitor with Python

  • sudo easy_install -U pyserial
  • python miniterm.py --port /dev/tty.usbserial-A4016VJT -b 31250 -DDD

-DDD shows raw hex