#Record Scrobbler

Record Scrobbler is in early alpha. It's purpose is to allow last.fm users to scrobble music which they listen to on their turntables.

Record Scrobbler is a work in progress and is barely usable in its current form, the README will be updated as progress is made.


##Usage Currently, you will need an api access key from both last.fm and Echo Nest in order to use this application. Steps to run your own instance

  • Clone the repo
  • Clone echoprint-codegen into the RecordScrobbler directory
  • Build echoprint-codegen, make sure that the file RecordScrobbler/echoprint-codegen exists
  • Create a file RecordScrobbler/config.txt which should contain:
    api_key = your_last_fm_api_key 
    secret = your_last_fm_secret_key 

    api_key = your_echonest_api_key 

* Now just: python main.py

Feel free to contact me at adam(dot)allidina(at)gmail(dot)com with any questions or comments