Please, install the following packages
- numpy
- pytorch (1.*) (1.4 and 1.9 are tested)
- torchnet
- torchvision
- tqdm
- networkx
checkpoint/coco/model_best_89.2803.pth.tar and checkpoint/voc/model_best_96.3178.pth.tar (BaiDu),(password:oq7s)
python data/coco --image-size 448 --workers 8 --batch-size 16 --lr 0.03 --learning-rate-decay 0.1 --epoch_step 20 30 --embedding model/embedding/coco_glove_word2vec_80x300_ec.pkl --t1 0.2 --device_ids 0
python data/coco --image-size 448 --workers 8 --batch-size 16 --lr 0.03 --learning-rate-decay 0.1 --epoch_step 20 30 --embedding model/embedding/coco_glove_word2vec_80x300_ec.pkl --t1 0.2 --device_ids 0 -e --resume checkpoint/coco/coco/model_best_89.2803.pth.tar
python data/voc --image-size 448 --workers 8 --batch-size 16 --lr 0.03 --learning-rate-decay 0.1 --epoch_step 20 30 --embedding model/embedding/voc_glove_word2vec.pkl --t1 0.2 --device_ids 0
python data/voc --image-size 448 --workers 8 --batch-size 16 --lr 0.03 --learning-rate-decay 0.1 --epoch_step 20 30 --embedding model/embedding/voc_glove_word2vec.pkl --t1 0.2 --device_ids 0 -e --resume checkpoint/voc/voc/model_best_96.3178.pth.tar
title={Graph Attention Transformer Network for Multi-Label Image Classification},
author={Yuan, Jin and Chen, Shikai and Zhang, Yao and Shi, Zhongchao and Geng, Xin and Fan, Jianping and Rui, Yong},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.04049},