
Just experiment of HTML tags constructor

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Just an experiment of HTML tags constructor

How to use

The firs thing is it's prefer to use [ " ] char for $properties.

* @param string|array Elements properties
* @param string|Tag|Tag[] String line, Tag element or array of Tag elements
tg($properties, $children);
tg("tagName .class .class .class #id ^nameAttr @rel !typeAttribute %contentAttribute", 'content of tag or attribute');
tg("tagName .class ^nameAttr 'Simple text content {$variable}'"); // this is why it's better to use [ " ] instead [ ' ]
tg(['tagName.class.class.class#id^nameAttr@rel!typeAttribute%contentAttribute', 'attr' => 'value'], 'content of tag or attribute');

Simple examples

tg('p', 'Hello');  -->  <p>Hello</p>
tg("p 'Hello'");  -->  <p>Hello</p>

tg(".content 'Hello'");  -->  <div class="content">Hello</div>  // by default a tag's name is "DIV"

tg("meta^viewport", 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1');  -->  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

tg("script@text/javascript%src '/js/script.js'");  -->  <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/script.js"></script>

Detailed examples

###Example 1

tg("script #jquery !text/javascript %src '/jquery.min.js'"); or tg("script#jquery!text/javascript%src", '/jquery.min.js');

There are:

  • "script" - is a tag's name
  • "#jquery" - is value for "id" attribute
  • "!text/javascript" - is value for "type" attribute
  • "%src" - is name of attribute for content

Result: <script id="jquery" type="text/javascript" src="/jquery.min.js"></script>

###Example 2

tg("link @icon !image/x-icon '/favicon.ico'");

There are:

  • "link" - is a tag's name
  • "@icon" - is value for "rel" attribute
  • "!image/x-icon" - is value for "type" attribute

A single tag ("void element" or "empty element") has no body, so TG can automatically set content to special content attribute. So, for LINK it is "href" attribute, for IMG it is "src", for META it is "content" attribute and for INPUT it is "value" attribute. It means that you don't need to define "content attribute" by "%" token. In current example we didn't use "%href" in properties argument, but "href" will get "/favicon.ico" by auto.

Result: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico">

###Example 3

tg(['a.button', 'href' => '/url/path'], tg(['img.my-img', 'alt' => 'just-a-link'], '/image.png'));

There are 2 elements: link "A" and image "IMG". For both elements we used array for $properties, there its structure:

["properties string", "attribute" => "value", "attribute" => "value"]

The first value of array (with "0" key) must be an properties string, tag's attributes must follow by it.

Result: <a class="button" href="/url/path"><img class="my-img" src="/image.png" alt="just-a-link"></a>

###Example 4

tg("input!text^option '123'");

For Input tag no need to define name of attribute for value (as says in Example 2).

There are:

  • "input" - is a tag's name
  • "!text" - is value for "type" attribute
  • "^option" - is value for "name" attribute

Result: <input type="text" name="option" value="123">

###Example 5

tg(".super.puper.element#for_content 'My content'");

There are:

  • no tag's name (by default it is "DIV")
  • ".super.puper.element" - are classes names
  • "#for_content" - is value for "id" attribute

Result: <div id="for_content" class="super puper element">My content</div>

###Example 6

This example shows how to put inner tags. Also here you can see 'br/' string as inner element. It will converted to
tag (for 'hr/' the same behaviour).

tg('form.signin', [
    tg('label', ['User name', 'br/',
        tg("input!text^username '{$username}'")
    tg('label', ['Password', 'br/',
        tg("input!password^password", '')
    tg(['input!password^password:readonly', 'title' => 'tooltip text'], 'Only for read'),
    tg("button 'Login'")

Example 7

This example of how to create <select> tag.

tg('select', ['option1', 'option2', 'option3']); // for <option>'s "value" attribute will used key of array element

tg('select', ['value1' => 'title1', 'value2' => ['title2', 'disabled'], 'value3' => ['title3', 'selected', 'data-something' => 'somevalue]]);

More examples

See index.php file for more examples.

$ php -S localhost:3003