
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


A wind-sports focused activity tracker. Takes your GPS tracks from windpowered activities (sailing, kiting, windsurfing) and provides a wealth of information about the session. Currently includes speed and polar plots.

Planned features include fastest 10s, fastest 500m, fastest alpha-500, upwind/downwind performance, tack angles, and more!



The recommended setup relies on pyenv (and pyenv-virtualenv), brew, and npm. From a new base project directory (e.g., sailtrail), use the following to begin development.

mkdir database
mkdir static
pyenv install 3.4.3
pyenv virtualenv 3.4.3 sailtrail
pyenv local sailtrail
git clone ssh://repo source
cd source
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
npm install
brew install chromedriver
./node_modules/.bin/bower install

Test the installation by running the following:

grunt test

If functional tests fail because something else is using the default port, use the following to provide a range for the test runner to try:

export DJANGO_LIVE_TEST_SERVER_ADDRESS="localhost:8000-8010,8080,9200-9300"

TDD Cycle


Watcher to run unit tests with summary and no details, unless a test fails.

grunt jsdev


Watcher to run unit tests.

grunt pydev

Watcher to run functional tests.

grunt funcdev

Full Code Analysis


Run eslint and all units tests with coverage. Coverage will be printed on the console and an html report will be placed in .cover/js/{browser}/index.html

grunt jstest


Run flake8, pylint, and all unit tests with coverage and timing. Coverage will be printed on the console and an html report will be placed in .cover/python/unit/index.html

grunt pytest

Run all integration tests with coverage and timing. Coverage will be printed on the console and an html report will be placed in .cover/python/int/index.html

grunt inttest

Run all functional tests with coverage and timing. Coverage will be printed on the console and an html report will be placed in .cover/python/func/index.html

grunt functest

Live Site Preview

Run a watcher to automatically compile and bundle CSS and JS, and start a livereload server to monitor changes to any of those files.

grunt dev

Run a watcher to automatically restart the django development server on any python changes, then (in conjunction with the above task) reload the browser via a livereload call.

./django/manage.py runserver 8000

Cut New Release

For a patch release:

grunt bump-only
grunt changelog
# Verify CHANGELOG.md looks good
grunt bump-commit

For a minor release:

grunt bump-only:minor
grunt changelog
# Verify CHANGELOG.md looks good, add release name to release
grunt bump-commit


Log in to instance via SSH.

Go to site directory (and activate virtualenv):

cd /home/ubuntu/sites/www.sailtrail.net/source
source ../virtualenv/bin/activate

Stash the temporary settings change, pull changes, apply stashed change, and push a new tag to indicate what code in is prod:

git stash
git pull
git stash apply
git tag -f prod
git push -f origin prod

Were there DB changes?

./django/manage.py migrate

Were the Javascript/CSS changs?

grunt browserify
grunt sass
./django/maange.py collectstatic

Restart the server

sudo restart gunicorn

New Deploy

Starting from a clean checkout (assuming up-to-date node on host):

cd /home/ubuntu/sites/www.sailtrail.net
rm -rf virtualenv/
virtualenv -p python3.5 virtualenv
source virtualenv/bin/activate
cd source
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install
./node_modules/.bin/bower install
./node_modules/.bin/grunt sass
./node_modules/.bin/grunt browserify
python django/manage.py collectstatic
python django/manage.py migrate
sudo start gunicorn-www.sailtrail.net

Fixing Borked DB

Log in to instance and get django shell running in virtual env:

cd /home/ubuntu/sites/www.sailtrail.net
source virtualenv/bin/activate
cd source/django
./manage shell

From virtual env:

from api.models import Activity
a = Activity.objects.first()
[ ... etc ... ]