
A utility to scale a Vimeo embed to fill an element regardless of aspect ratio.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A utility to scale a Vimeo embed to fill an element regardless of aspect ratio.

Vimeo embeds letterbox to fit within their embedding iframe (equivalent to CSS's object-fit: contain). This utility dynamically scales up the embed to fill the container with the video content and hiding the letterboxing (equivalent to object-fit: cover).


Initialise a Vimeo Player, then pass the Player instance into the utility function:

import vimeoEmbedCover from 'vimeo-embed-cover';

const player = new Vimeo.Player(/* ... */);

The player's <iframe> element will be resized & repositioned within its parent.

As the positioning is configured via CSS, the player's containing element (the element passed in to new Vimeo.Player(element)) must also have position: relative or position: absolute set.

MIT License