
Yet another xxhash addon for Node.js

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Yet another xxhash addon for Node.js

npm NPM

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xxhash-addon is a native addon for Node.js (>=8.6.0) written using N-API. It 'thinly' wraps xxhash v0.8.0, which has support for a new algorithm XXH3 that has showed to outperform its predecessor.

IMPORTANT: As of v0.8.0, XXH3 and XXH123 are now considered stable. Rush to the upstream CHANGELOG for the formal announcement!


  • xxhash-addon exposes xxhash's API in a friendly way for downstream consumption (see the Example of Usage section).
  • Covering all 4 variants of the algorithm: XXH32, XXH64, XXH3 64-bit, XXH3 128-bit.
  • Supporting XXH3 secret.
  • Consistently producing canonical (big-endian) form of hash values as per xxhash's recommendation.
  • The addon is extensively sanity-checked againts xxhash's sanity test suite to ensure that generated hashes are correct and align with xxhsum's (xxhsum is the official utility of xxhash). Check the file xxhash-addon.test.js to see how xxhash-addon is being tested.
  • Minimal dependency: the package does not depend on any other npm packages.


npm install xxhash-addon

Note: This native addon requires recompiling. If you do not have Node.js building toolchain installed then you must install them first:

  • On a Windows machine
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
  • On a Debian/Ubuntu machine
sudo apt-get install python g++ make
  • On a RHEL/CentOS machine

If you are on RHEL 6 or 7, you would need to install GCC/G++ >= 6.3 via devtoolset- for the module to compile. See SCL.

  • On a Mac

Install Xcode command line tools

In comparison to other implementations/bindings

Although node-xxhash offers incredible compability as it requires Node.js >= 4.0.0, it does not seem to produce consistent hash values. For example, given a seed value of 0xDEADBEEF and the string 'hello', node-xxhash's XXH32 produces 2717969635 as the string's hash, which is in big-endian form, whilst its XXH64 produces cd6d9204aaad5b0c, which is in little-endian form.

This fantastic project is a pure JavaScript implementation of the algorithm. However it has not been updated for years.

Example of Usage

// Construct a new hasher and seed it 0 (default seed value)
// Note: constructors can take either JS Number or Buffer as their argument
const { XXHash32, XXHash64, XXHash3 } = require('xxhash-addon');
const hasher32 = new XXHash32(0);
// const hasher32 = new XXHash32(); // equivalent to the previous call
// const hasher32 = new XXHash32(Buffer.alloc(4)); // equivalent to the previous call, too

// Hash a string
const salute = 'hello there';
const buf_salute = Buffer.from(salute);

// Digest a byte-stream (hash a buffer piece by piece)
hasher32.update(buf_salute.slice(0, 3));

// Reset the hasher for another hashing

// Using secret for XXH3
// Same constructor call syntax, but hasher switches to secret mode whenever
// it gets a buffer larger than 135 bytes
const hasher3 = new XXHash3(require('fs').readFileSync('package-lock.json'));

API reference


(constructor) XXHash32([Number or 4-byte Buffer])
(constructor) XXHash32() - using default seed value of 0
XXHash32.update([Buffer]) - updates internal state for stream hashing
XXHash32.digest() - produces hash of a stream
XXHash32.reset() - resets internal state. You can use this rather than creating another hasher instance


(constructor) XXHash64([Number or 4-byte Buffer or 8-byte Buffer])
(constructor) XXHash64() - using default seed value of 0
XXHash64.update([Buffer]) - updates internal state for stream hashing
XXHash64.digest() - produces hash of a stream
XXHash64.reset() - resets internal state. You can use this rather than creating another hasher instance


(constructor) XXHash3([Number or 4-byte Buffer or 8-byte Buffer]) - using seed
(constructor) XXHash3() - using default seed value of 0
(constructor) XXHash3([longer-than-135-byte Buffer]) - using secret
XXHash3.update([Buffer]) - updates internal state for stream hashing
XXHash3.digest() - produces hash of a stream
XXHash3.reset() - resets internal state. You can use this rather than creating another hasher instance


(constructor) XXHash128([Number or 4-byte Buffer or 8-byte Buffer]) - using seed
(constructor) XXHash128() - using default seed value of 0
(constructor) XXHash128([longer-than-135-byte Buffer]) - using secret
XXHash128.update([Buffer]) - updates internal state for stream hashing
XXHash128.digest() - produces hash of a stream
XXHash128.reset() - resets internal state. You can use this rather than creating another hasher instance


The project is licensed under BSD-2-Clause.