
express-route is a library that let you organize the routes for express applications.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


express-route is a library that let you organize the routes for the express applications.


  • single method API to read and apply the routes
  • ability to read routes synchronously or asynchronously
  • versatile format of the route definition to support all cases


Firstly, you need to define the routes. The route can be a function, an object or an array of objects. They can be in one file or in many files.

The simplest definition may look like this:

module.exports = {
	'/home': function (req, res, next) {

This definition is simply translated to the following code:

app.get('/', function (req, res, next) {

get is a default HTTP method. You can change it using an object definition:

module.exports = {
	'/home': {
		methods: ['post'],
		fn: function (req, res, next) {

To apply the routes to the express application you need to call route with valid parameters:

var route = require('express-route');

// app is a reference to the express application
// './routes' is a path to the directory with the routes
// the third parameter is a configuration object
route(app, './routes', {
	// retrieve routes synchronously
	sync: true,

	// action to invoke when route is marked as restricted: true
	ensureRestriction: function (req, res, next) {
		if (!user.authorized()) {

Route definition examples

The definition of the route may be slightly more complicated:

'use strict';

module.exports = {

	// route with restricted setting on

	'/user': {
		fn: function (req, res) {
		restricted: true

	// route that accepts several methods

	'/user/categories': {
		fn: function (req, res) {
			res.end('method ' + req.method + ' post #' + req.params.id);
		methods: ['get', 'post']

	// several actions with different HTTP methods for one route

	'/user/posts/:id': [
			fn: function (req, res) {
				res.end('method ' + req.method + ' post #' + req.params.id);
			restricted: true,
			methods: ['get', 'delete']
			fn: function (req, res) {
				res.end('method ' + req.method + ' post #' + req.params.id);
			restricted: true,
			methods: ['post']


route(app: Object, path: String, settings: Object)

Apply routes to the express application.

  • app - reference to the express application,
  • path - path to the folder or the file with the routes,
  • settings - a configuration object,
    • sync: Boolean - whether the load of the routings is synchronous or not (optional, true by default),
    • ensureRestriction: Function - middleware which check if the request is authenticated (optional, by default it's a function that accepts all requests),
    • ext: Array - array with valid file extensions, e.g. ['.route'] (optional, ['.js'] by default).