- 0
Missing the stack traces on errors
#37 opened by ieugen - 3
Oposite of try-all: try-all-failed and similar
#36 opened by ieugen - 0
- 0
- 0
Tuple destructuring inside attempt-all causes an exception because the Failure is not short-circuited early enough
#31 opened by TuggyNE - 2
Feature request: `when-ok` macro
#30 opened by alexanderjamesking - 0
Add indent specs for macros to work with CIDER
#28 opened by xiongtx - 7
Please aot compile core.cljs
#24 opened by pieterbreed - 3
Proposal: failure handling without binding
#21 opened by ACiep - 0
- 0
Introduce as-ok->
#22 opened by ashwinbhaskar - 2
Plans for clojurescript support?
#6 opened by twashing - 1
- 1
Destructuring inside attempt-all causes an exception/failjure that would normally be short-circuited not to be
#15 opened by chrismurrph - 2
- 3
`ok->` executes its first form twice
#13 opened by flodiebold - 2
Monads dep was removed
#12 opened by ascho - 1
ok? for multiple results
#11 opened by lamuria - 2
- 2
- 2
Document the using with with-open
#7 opened by voldmar - 2
- 2