
a better express with n-express-monitor to improve error handling, logging and debugging

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


this is an example to demonstrate how n-express-monitor can be setup with n-express and how it could help improve log coverage efficiently with systematic control, and streamline debugging experience

also applicable to express with a metrics instance setup


The example api server has an endpoint for getUserProfileBySession, calling two mocked upstream apis. Service clients and express controllers are all monitored via n-express-monitor.

make install
make .env # or setup .env with values for different modes
make run

operation-action model

Operation-action model is introduced to reflect the general structure of most express codebase, and to constraint unnecessary function layering. This can essentially be translated as event-step model as well.

Operations are essestially express middlewares and controllers, and operations can be chained together to perform certain user journey, e.g. signup = [checkUserProfile] -> [createUserProfile] -> [createPaymentAccount] -> [createSubscription].

Actions are reusable single purpose functions that have predictable input and output, which can be composed to complete an operation.

In the example server here, the operation-action model can be illustrated as the following:

  • getUserProfileBySession (operation)
    • uncovered function (uncovered action)
    • verifySession (action)
    • getUserProfileById (action)


error mode

recommended for production

In error mode, only the failure of operation would be logged (tagged with related action and service); input params of the action function and the error category would be included to help identify the cause and reproduce the error; ContentType is recommended to proof and report error parsing mistakes;

Alerts can be setup both based on log or metrics.


LOGGER_MUTE_FIELDS=stack, transactionId

good request -> only metrics, no log

bad request failed 1st step:

warn:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, service=session-api, action=verifySession, sessionId=random, result=failure, category=CUSTOM_ERROR, status=404, message=session data not found for given sessionId

bad request failed 2nd step:

warn:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, service=user-profile-svc, action=getUserProfileById, userId=corrupted-data, result=failure, category=FETCH_RESPONSE_ERROR, status=404, message=user profile not found for given userId, contentType=text/plain; charset=utf-8

request failed uncovered function:

error:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, result=failure, category=NODE_SYSTEM_ERROR, name=Error, message=an uncovered function has thrown an error

concise mode

recommended for development or debugging

In concise mode, only the success/failure of the operation would be logged, and action leading to the operation would be included in the error log; input params of the action would be omitted; This is best for showing how a user journey is complete via a series of operations.


LOGGER_MUTE_FIELDS=stack, contentType, result, category, transactionId, requestId

good request:

info:  requestId=6bab6fe7-e1e5-483e-9279-70da1bec5ce1, operation=getUserProfileBySession

bad request failed 1st step:

warn:  requestId=6bab6fe7-e1e5-483e-9279-70da1bec5ce1, operation=getUserProfileBySession, service=session-api, action=verifySession, status=404, message=session data not found for given sessionId

bad request failed 2nd step:

warn:  requestId=6bab6fe7-e1e5-483e-9279-70da1bec5ce1, operation=getUserProfileBySession, service=user-profile-svc, action=getUserProfileById, status=404, message=user profile not found for given userId

request failed uncovered function:

error:  requestId=6bab6fe7-e1e5-483e-9279-70da1bec5ce1, operation=getUserProfileBySession, result=failure, category=NODE_SYSTEM_ERROR, name=Error, message=an uncovered function has thrown an error

standard mode

recommended for development or debugging

In standard mode, success/failure of operation and its underlying actions/functions would be logged; Function call input would be logged to help reproducing errors;


LOGGER_MUTE_FIELDS=stack, contentType, category, transactionId, requestId

good request:

info:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, service=session-api, action=verifySession, sessionId=good-session, result=success
info:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, service=user-profile-svc, action=getUserProfileById, userId=good-session-user-id, result=success
info:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, result=success


operation.getUserProfileBySession.segment.undefined.state.start + 1 operation.getUserProfileBySession.segment.undefined.state.success + 1

operation.getUserProfileBySession.action.verifySession.state.start + 1 operation.getUserProfileBySession.action.verifySession.state.success + 1 operation.getUserProfileBySession.action.getUserProfileById.state.start + 1 operation.getUserProfileBySession.action.getUserProfileById.state.success + 1

service.sessionApi.action.verifySession.state.start + 1 service.sessionApi.action.verifySession.state.success + 1 service.userProfileSvc.action.getUserProfileById.state.start + 1 service.userProfileSvc.action.getUserProfileById.state.success + 1

bad request failed 1st step:

warn:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, service=session-api, action=verifySession, sessionId=random, result=failure, status=404, message=session data not found for given sessionId
warn:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, result=failure, status=404, message=session data not found for given sessionId

bad request failed 2nd step:

info:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, service=session-api, action=verifySession, sessionId=bad-session, result=success
warn:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, service=user-profile-svc, action=getUserProfileById, userId=corrupted-data, result=failure, status=404, message=user profile not found for given userId
warn:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, result=failure, status=404, message=user profile not found for given userId

request failed uncovered function:

error:  operation=getUserProfileBySession, result=failure, category=NODE_SYSTEM_ERROR, name=Error, message=an uncovered function has thrown an error

common metrics

metrics would be recorded in 3 scopes, as specified by n-auto-metrics

  • operation.{operation}.segment.{segment}.state.{state} (used to measure user journey conversion with segments)
  • operation.{operation}.action.{action}.state.{state} (used to measure reliability of operation)
  • service.{service}.action.{action}.state.{state} (used to measure reliability of upstream services)

some examples:

bad request failed 1st step:

operation.getUserProfileBySession.segment.undefined.state.start + 1 operation.getUserProfileBySession.segment.undefined.state.failure.category.CUSTOM_ERROR.type.undefined + 1

operation.getUserProfileBySession.action.verifySession.state.start + 1 operation.getUserProfileBySession.action.verifySession.state.failure.category.CUSTOM_ERROR.status.404 + 1

service.sessionApi.action.verifySession.state.start + 1 service.sessionApi.action.verifySession.state.failure.category.CUSTOM_ERROR.status.404 + 1

request failed uncovered function:

operation.getUserProfileBySession.segment.undefined.state.start + 1 operation.getUserProfileBySession.segment.undefined.state.failure.category.NODE_SYSTEM_ERROR.type.undefined + 1