Hugo Sass reload issue

With the config setup in this repo updates to the scss stylesheet will not propagate to the front end. Only a hard refresh will update the styles.


  • Clone this repo
  • Make sure you have Hugo installed (in my case Hugo Static Site Generator v0.62.2/extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate: unknown)
  • Run hugo serve

The reason (at least the way I understand it) the styles are not updated is because of this line staticDir = ["static", "assets"] in config.toml.

If I remove that line (or change it to the default ["static"]) the issue is resolved.

Why assets as a static directory as well?

Good question! I wanted to write my new site with modern vanilla javascript and skip the bundling step (I want to keep webpack configs and dependencies to a minimum). And at the same time use main.js as an entrypoint with Hugo.

That way I can import { capitalize } from './js/utils.js and it will work as expected in modern browsers.

I could place utils.js in a the /static folder. But then I loose the "physical" connection between main.js and utils.js. Which I would like to keep.