
Simple Tetris clone written in VueJS

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Simple Tetris clone written in VueJs


|| Key || Key Name || Description || | | Left Arrow | Translate active piece left | | | Right Arrow | Translate active piece right | | | Down Arrow | Soft drop (translate active piece down) | | | Up Arrow | Hard drop (translate active piece down until collission) | | | Shift | Rotate active piece clockwise | | | Control | Rotate active piece counter-clockwise | | | Space Bar | Un/Pause Game | | | Escape | End Game |


Improvements and Features

  • Wall Kicks
  • T-Spin Detection
  • Sleeker animations
  • Better UI and layout for game
  • Animate game over
  • mobile ui components
  • Repeating commands on held keys (and components)
  • Pause/Unpause active game
  • End current game (not by losing)
  • Local/Global Leader Boards
  • Preview hard drop position
  • Adjustable starting level
  • Instructions / Controlls Screen
  • Held piece swap
  • Sound Effects / Music

Advanced Features

  • Per-pixel movement
  • Animate movement (motion blur)
  • Hold actions for buttons
  • Hold Action for hard drop (On end press, stop hard dropping)

Known Bugs

  • Variant speeds around hard dropping a piece