
Primary LanguageTypeScript



There are two major processes happening on the backend:

  1. Querying for images. In order to load non-redundant data, a page number is expected. The mySQL database returns an array of URLs sorted by most recently added. One route accounts for a supplied keyword, the other does not. These URLs are endpoints that supply the image via the S3 bucket.

  2. Uploading images. An image blob is sent to the backend, where it is uploaded to an S3 bucket. The bucket returns the endpoint (a URL) where the image is stored. This URL is added to the database, along with the keywords given at the time of image creation. NOTE: While the backend fully supports uploading images, the functionality was not implemented on the frontend.


title: ER Diagram

    Images ||--o{ ImageKeywords : tag
    ImageKeywords }o--|| Keywords : assigned
   Images {
      int id pk
      varchar url
      varchar prompt

   ImageKeywords {
      int image_id fk
      varchar keyword_id fk

   Keywords {
      varchar keyword pk


ER Diagram

Effectively storing and retrieving image data merits two separate databases: one for easily storing/querying relational data and one for managing the image files.


This database holds all relational data. The url attribute refers to the URL where the data is stored on the AWS server.

AWS S3 Bucket

This database holds the actual image files. Images are accessed using an Object URL.

Future Development Ideas

  1. Refactor the "projectX" name to "Optica."
  2. Support single/multi-keyword queries.
  3. Create a relational database with a date attribute and do the querying by that attribute. Currently we are querying by id (which does work based on how our id attribute, but it's likely not best practice.)
  4. The error handling for pretty much every step of the way needs serious thought and refactoring. There are some actually interesting error handling problems in imageController.js.
  5. Refactor the images table to use the URL as the primary key. There's no real need for an ID, as you want the URLs to be unique.


Everything is currently built out with functional React and Hooks -BUT- RTK is a dependency, and the scaffolding for RTK is all there. Theoretically this could be refactored to use RTK.


The project has been refactored. The folder structure has changed to feature a component centric format, whereas it was feature centric before this.

├── assets
│   └── erDiagram.jpg
├── babel.config.cjs
├── index.html
├── jest.config.ts
├── package.json
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
├── postcss.config.js
├── public
├── README.md
├── server
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └── imageController.ts
│   ├── models
│   │   ├── imageStorageModel.ts
│   │   └── mySQLModel.ts
│   └── server.ts
├── setupTests.ts
├── src
│   ├── assets
│   ├── components
│   │   ├── App.tsx
│   │   ├── Gallery.tsx
│   │   ├── ImageComponent.tsx
│   │   └── SearchBar.tsx
│   ├── index.scss
│   ├── index.tsx
│   ├── redux
│   │   ├── slices
│   │   │   └── counterSlice.ts
│   │   └── store.ts
│   ├── stylesheets
│   │   └── styles.scss
│   └── vite-env.d.ts
├── tailwind.config.js
├── __tests__
│   └── MainPage.test.tsx
├── tsconfig.json
└── vite.config.js

Querying the Database

  • Images are fetched via an Axios GET request to the database at the endpoint /images, with a request parameter of a number.
  • The request parameter corresponds to a page number.
  • Image URLs are served from the database as arrays of 16 image URLs at a time, which equates to one page.

Some Ideas for Future Iterations

  • Send form data from the search query to the backend.
  • Integrate Redux Toolkit (RTK) for state management.
  • Integrate an image upload component.