
Quickly create a conda prefix virtual env in your current working directory.

Primary LanguageShell

Conda CWD Env ZSH Plugin

The conda_cwd_env ZSH plugin provides a command for creating a Conda virtual environment in the current working directory (CWD).


This plugin requires Conda to be installed and available on your system.


  1. Clone the plugin:
git clone https://github.com/adambytes/conda-cwd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/conda-cwd
  1. Include conda-cwd in your .zshrc's plugin list:
#  you can add it to your .zshrc configuration plugin 
plugins=(... conda-cwd)
# i find it easier to use the cli
omz plugin enable conda-cwd
  1. Restart your terminal or run source ~/.zshrc.


To create a new Conda environment in your current directory, use the create_conda_cwd_env command:

ccwd # Should create .conda in your current working dir

By default, it creates a Conda environment using Python version 3.11. If you want to specify a different Python version, pass it as an argument:

ccwd 3.8

If a requirements.txt file exists in the current directory, the command will also attempt to install the specified packages into the new environment. It first tries to install packages with conda and, if that fails, with pip.


MIT License