
Heroku-style command line interface for Dokku

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Heroku-like command line interface for Dokku

Note: This project is in the very early stages of development. You can help by adding commands (see below).

https://badge.fury.io/py/dokku-client.png https://pypip.in/d/dokku-client/badge.png


pip install dokku-client


You can specify the Dokku host & app on the command line, but you may find it convenient to set the following environment variables instead:

export DOKKU_HOST=ubuntu@myserver.com
export DOKKU_APP=my-app-name

Setting these variables in your virtualenv's postactivate hook may be useful.


Once installed, usage is simple:

dokku-client help


Client for Dokku

    dokku-client <command> [<args>...]
    dokku-client help

global options:
    -H <host>, --host=<host>      Host address
    -a <app>, --app=<app>         App name

full list of available commands:

    help       Show this help message
    configget  Set one or more config options
    configset  Set one or more config options in the app's ENV file
    prompt     Open a prompt
    restart    Restart the container

See 'git help <command>' for more information on a specific command.

Contributing new commands

Dokku-client allows any developer to hook in extra commands. This is done using exactly the same mechanism that dokku-client uses internally, that of entry points provided by setuptools.

First, create a python package. You may have your own favorite way of doing this, but I use seed:

mkdir dokku-client-mycommand
cd dokku-client-mycommand
pip install seed
seed create

Second, create a class which extends dokku_client.BaseCommand and implements the method main(args). Also, the doc-block at the top of the class will be used by docopt to parse any command line arguments, so make sure you include that. See the prompt command for an example.

And third, in your new setup.py file, specify your new class as an entry point:

    'dokku_client.commands': [
        'mycommand = dokku_client_mycommand.mycommand:MyCommand',

Run setup.py so that the new entry point is initialized:

# Run in develop mode, so files will not be copied away.
# You can continue to edit your code as usual
python setup.py develop

You should now find that your new command is available in dokku-client, run dokku-client help to check.

Once done, you can release your package to PyPi using seed release --initial.