This is a command line hangman game written in only using "simple" python. A use of basic python functionality to create something fun and educational.
I have not used any external libraries as this is a good way for beginners to better understand core python concepts.
For this you need to have python 3.7 installed... and that's it!
You can check it's installed (on Unix) with:
$ python3 --version
or on windows:
> py3 --version
If you don't get a version number install python 3 to continue.
Ideas for additional features:
- When quitting part way through a word it's saved and then loaded when re-entering the game.
The above features will be implemented and can be removed and changed as required from the file located in HangmanPy/HangmanPy/
Download and unzip files, or use the git clone command as follows:
git clone <URL>
where is the URL of the main package page (likely the one you're reading this on).
Run using python3 with the folowing command (in unix) while in the directory HangmanPy:
$ python3
or on windows:
> py3
Initially you will be greeted wth a 1 or 2 player selection screen.
If you choose 1, you will be enter single-player mode.
Choosing 2 will result in multi-player mode.
NOTE: If a different value is entered the game will default to single-player mode.
If you're entering single-player mode, the word will be chosen randomly from the wordlist.txt file (contains most words in the english dictionary).
You will then have the available options for letters and can make your selection by entering the letter (UPPER or lowercase) followed by the return key.
The hangman allows for 10 guesses good luck!
If you'd like to play with a friend, choose 2 when asked for play options.
This allows for an "executioner", a player can enter a secret word or message and press return.
Any issue or questions feel free to e-mail: