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Elements is an Eloquent-like model wrapper based on the Entity--Attribute--Value model with powerful additional features that lets developers forget about database schemas, migrations, pivot tables, foreign keys and validation and focus on what matters - functionality.

Design Principals

  • Take schema declaration and value type checking away from the database layer.
  • Have fluent, expressive, editable schema declarations in code instead of migrations.
  • Provide strong typing checking for attributes.
  • Support locales, versioning, searching and validation.
  • Facilitate and eloquent-like syntax where possible.
  • Allow binding to models with optional two-way synchronisation.
  • Give much better exception handling options to developers.
  • Not interfere with any existing application setup.

What is EAV?

Entity–attribute–value model (EAV) is a data model to encode, in a space-efficient manner, entities where the number of attributes (properties, parameters) that can be used to describe them is potentially vast, but the number that will actually apply to a given entity is relatively modest.

-- Wikipedia


Via Composer

$ composer require click/elements  

Laravel 5.5+

Sit back and relax. You've done too much already. The package will auto-register after composer runs. ⛵️

Laravel 5.4 & below

Add this to your config/app.php file under providers.


If you want to use the Elements facade then add this to your config/app.php file under aliases.

'Elements' => Click\Elements\Facades\Elements::class,


Creating Element Types

$ php artisan make:element MyElement

A fresh element class will be dropped somewhere like app\Elements\MyElement.php looking something like this.

namespace App\Elements;  
use Click\Elements\Element;
use Click\Elements\Exceptions\PropertyKeyInvalidException;
use Click\Elements\Schemas\ElementSchema;
class MyElement extends Element  
     * Define the schema for the MyElement element.  
     * @param Schema $schema  
     * @return void  
    public function getDefinition(ElementSchema $schema)  

You can generate elements for use with two-way binding by specifying a model class when using the make:element command.

$ php artisan make:element MyElement --model=App\\MyModel

Using Elements in your Application

Elements try to replicate the functionality of Eloquent models where possible to make the developer experience as familiar as possible. A custom query builder is provided which allows you to query properties and relationships as you'd expect.


class Author extends Element
    public function getDefinition(ElementSchema $schema)  
            'min' => '3',

class Book extends Element
    public function getDefinition(ElementSchema $schema)  

Creating new elements is much the same as Eloquent models, but assigning relationships is a little different.


$author = Author::create([
    'name' => 'Neal Stephenson'

$book = Book::create([
    'title' => 'Snow Crash',
    'published' => 1992,
    'author' => $author

Fetching elements is quite similar to Eloquent models too, but querying relationships is a little different.


// Get all elements
$books = Book::all();

// Eager load a relation property
$books = Book::with('author')->get();

// Where property
$books = Book::where('published', '>', 1991)->get();

// Where relation property
$books = Book::where('author.name', 'like', '%neal%')->get();

Two-way Binding

You can enable an optional two-way binding to Eloquent models. Simply define a getModel() method and $syncToModel and $syncFromModel attributes on your element to have changes to either the element or model be replicated to the other.


use App\MyModel;
class MyElement extends Element  
    use TwoWayBinding;
    // Update the model when the element is updated
    protected $syncToModel = true;

    // Update the element when the model is updated
    protected $syncFromModel = true;
    public function getModel()  
        return MyModel::class;  

This behaviour is dependent on eloquent events being triggered on both your own and the internal element models to function property.

A call to YourModel::delete() for example will not trigger any related elements to delete. See deleting models in the Laravel documentation for more info.

You can specify the mappings between model attributes and element properties by defining mapForModel() and mapForElement() methods on your element.


class MyElement extends Element  
    public static function mapForModel(Element $element)
        return [
            'model_attribute' => $element->elementProperty
    public static function mapForElement(MyModel $model)
        return [
            'elementProperty' => $model->model_attribute

Elements use a strict type system so make sure to cast each attribute to the expected type before assigning it to the property.

Bring your own data

You likely have existing data in your application that you want to synchronise. To do this, create element classes for models you want to import, defining mappings in the mapForElement() method described above, and then run the import command to create elements from your models.

$ php artisan elements:import

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


$ composer install && vendor/bin/phpunit  


Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email developers@clickdigitalsolutions.co.uk instead of using the issue tracker.



Proprietary. Please see the license file for more information.