
:mortar_board: :globe_with_meridians: new website for NABPR

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LICENSE Jekyll GitHub commit activity GitHub last commit


  • Feeling Responsive by @Phlow.

A Responsive Jekyll Theme: Feeling Responsive

Do you want to get to know Feeling Responsive? Than check it out first and have a look on its home at http://phlow.github.io/feeling-responsive/.

To get to know Feeling Responsive check out all the features explained in the.

Feeling Responsive is released under the MIT LICENSE

Why use this theme?

Feeling Responsive is heavily customizable.

  1. Language-Support :)
  2. Optimized for speed and it's responsive.
  3. Built on Foundation Framework.
  4. Six different Headers.
  5. Customizable navigation, footer,...



JS Libraries

Stock photos