
C++ application that performs several operations on .raw audio files. The code uses template classes to handle 8/16 bit and mono/stereo audio.

Primary LanguageC++

Arguments and program invocation:

	samp -r sampleRateInHz -b bitCount -c noChannels [-o outFileName ] [<ops>] soundFile1 [soundFile2]
	• -r Specifies the number of samples per second of the audio file(s) (usually 44100)
	• -b Specifies the size (in bits) of each sample. Only 8bit and 16bit should be supported in your program. More on this later on.
	• -c Number of channels in the audio file(s). Your program will only support 1 (mono) or 2 (stereo).
	• “outFileName” is the name of the newly created sound clip (should default to “out”).
	• <ops> is ONE of the following:
	• -add: add soundFile1 and soundFile2
	• -cut r1 r2: remove samples over range [r1,r2] (inclusive) (assumes one sound file)
	• -radd r1 r2 s1 s2 : add soundFile1 and soundFile2 over sub-ranges indicated (in seconds). The ranges must be equal in length.
	• -cat: concatenate soundFile1 and soundFile2
	• -v r1 r2: volume factor for left/right audio (def=1.0/1.0) (assumes one sound file)
	• -rev: reverse sound file (assumes one sound file only)
	• -rms: Prints out the RMS of the sound file (assumes one sound file only).
	• -norm r1 r2: normalize file for left/right audio (assumes one sound file only and that r1 and r2 are floating point RMS values)
	• “soundFile1” is the name of the input .raw file. A second sound file is required for some operations as indicted above. 

> audio.h contains the templating for the Audio class

> driver.cpp contains code for a executable which is used to load/save and manipulate Audio
    > It can be compiled and run by typing 'make'
        > This produces and executable named 'samp'

> tests.cpp contains simple unit tests or the basic Audio template
    > It can be compiled and run by typing 'make test'

> all sample audio .raw files are in the sample_input directory
    > when using files in the directory, ensure the file name is inputted as: