
Package Management Detective

Primary LanguageShell


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My most sincere thanks.


~~ Package Management Detective ~~

Gather package management info for a command or a file and print its estimated origin among manually installed packages.


mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
cp origin ~/.local/bin/
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/origin 

If the directory ~/.local/bin is not in $PATH, add this line in ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile (to be available everywhere):


or this line in ~/.bashrc (to be available only in interactive shells):

export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"

Source the modified file. or open a new terminal, or log-out and log-in to your account for the change to take effect.

Usage Guide


origin <command> will print the absolute (real) path of the command, the package providing it, and an estimation of the reason why the package is present on the system.


origin <file> will print the absolute (real) path of the file , the package providing it, and an estimation of the reason why the package is present on the system.