
This is a fullstack clone of Google Keep

Environment Variables

# Client
REACT_APP_BACKEND_HOSTNAME - Used by react app to direct API calls
REACT_APP_BACKEND_PORT - Used by react app to direct API calls
PORT - Used by create-react-app to determine what port to run dev server on

# Server
FRONTEND_HOSTNAME - Used by backend server to set CORS access
FRONTEND_PORT - Used by backend server to set CORS access
DATABASE_URL - Used by backend server to direct database access

Heroku Setup

heroku login

heroku create adrotog-keep --remote heroku-frontend
heroku create adrotog-keep-api --remote heroku-backend

heroku config:set --app adrotog-keep REACT_APP_BACKEND_HOSTNAME=https://adrotog-keep-api.herokuapp.com
heroku config:set --app adrotog-keep REACT_APP_BACKEND_PORT=443

heroku config:set --app adrotog-keep-api FRONTEND_HOSTNAME=https://adrotog-keep.herokuapp.com
heroku config:set --app adrotog-keep-api FRONTEND_PORT=443

heroku addons:create --app adrotog-keep-api heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Heroku Deployment

After cloning or committing changes, push subfolders to their respective apps' remotes.

git subtree push --prefix frontend heroku-frontend master
git subtree push --prefix backend heroku-backend master

Heroku Administration

# Show app logs
heroku logs --app adrotog-keep --tail
heroku logs --app adrotog-keep-api --tail
# Destroy app
heroku apps:destroy adrotog-keep --confirm adrotog-keep
heroku apps:destroy adrotog-keep-api --confirm adrotog-keep-api
# Restart dyno
heroku dyno:restart --app adrotog-keep
heroku dyno:restart --app adrotog-keep-api




  • create-react-app - Generates boilerplate React app and webpack config
    • react - JavaScript frontend UI
    • react-dom - Binds react app to DOM
    • react-scripts - Scripts and configuration used by Create React App.
  • craco - Override create-react-app config with settings defined in craco.config.js
  • react-router-dom - React browser URL routing
  • axios - Handle HTTP requests
  • mobx - State management library
  • mobx-state-tree - Opinionated state tree structure library built on MobX
  • serve - Serve web app static files from build



  • formik - Handles form state, submission, validation and
  • yup - Form schema validation
  • formik-antd - Simply adds a name: string prop requirement on Antd form components which is needed for use with Formik, and also offers some extra enriched components like SubmitButton
