Gaussian Processes Visual Tool

Powered by (G)PyTorch, Flask, D3.js and Svelte. Check the related paper for more information.

By Eduardo Adame.

Special thanks to @juanbelieni for the help with the implementation of the Svelte app.



  1. Clone this repository and cd to src/
  2. Install the requirements for Python: cd gp && pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Install the requirements for Node: cd ../web && npm install

Even though you installed the requirements for Python, it may not work. It happens because of Torch. If you have problems, try to install it manually. You can find the instructions here.

Personally, I create a virtual environment with conda and install the requirements there. It works for me. Just using:

conda create -n gpvt &
conda activate gpvt &
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia &
conda install -c conda-forge pip &
pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. cd to src/
  2. Keep the server running: cd gp/ && python
  3. Run the client: cd ../web/ && npm run dev

Code is now kinda messy, but I'll try to clean it up soon. I'm also planning to add more features, like the possibility to change the kernel, the likelihood, the optimizer, etc.