
A programmable pixel grid.

Primary LanguagePython


ColorWall is a minimal implementation of the visualizer part of the allegro
project (https://github.com/vishnubob/allegro).

ColorWall is a simple framework for implementing and displaying effects for a
wall of pixels. To add a new effect, create a class in effects.py inheriting
from Effect and implement the run() method. Add the new effect to the Effects
list at the bottom of the file. ColorWall comes with a few example effects.

Watch an example ColorWall at http://vimeo.com/16522975.

ColorWall's pixels speak HSV (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV).


Tkinter, a GUI-programming toolkit for Python: http://wiki.python.org/moin/TkInter

To see if you have Tkinter installed, at a Python prompt run:

>>> import Tkinter


To run the ColorWall:

python run.py

This will run your effects on the default 8x8 pixel wall. To change the width
and height of the wall, pass the -w and -t options, e.g.:

python run.py -w 5 -t 10

To run only specific effects, pass the effect names on the commandline. e.g.:

python run.py Rainbow Twinkle KnightMoves