House Haunters

WOW Hunt or be Haunted


Use cmake and make to compile

Run using the command ./HH


The Brother
An athletic young man who can run his mouth almost as fast as he can run with his feet.

The Sister
A shy young girl with a habit of sneaking up on people. Some say when she's completely still, it's hard to notice she's in the room.

The Father
A man who clearly prefers matter over mind. Simply put, his muscles matter and his mind does not.

The Mother
They say mother knows best, and well, this mother does. Now if only the rest of her family could get a clue.


Up to 4 controllers supported (including keyboard)

The controls below refer to a PS4 controller setup (not tested with any other controller type) and a standard keyboard setup.

Move - Arrow Keys / D-pad
Interact/Read Clue - Z / X button
Attack - X / Circle
Run(Brother only) - C / Square
Sacrifice yourself to the haunting entity and witness the meaning of death - V / Triangle