
Base setup for a Marionette project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Getting started

npm install
bower install


Set up BrowserStack

  • Export BrowserStack creds as env variables... :
    • export BROWSERSTACK_USER=your_username
    • export BROWSERSTACK_KEY=your_key
    • export BROWSERSTACK_PORT=12080
  • Install mocha globally - this will give you the mocha command
    • npm install -g mocha
    • Exposes globals like describe inside you test javascript
  • Download the proxy executable and unpack it somewhere in your path or know where to get it from
  • Set your username and access key and replace in test file
  • Run the proxy executable and keep it running in seperate terminal session
    • For example I do: ~/installs/BrowserStackLocal -v $BROWSERSTACK_KEY localhost,12080,0
    • I've aliased this by adding something like this to my .bashrc
      • alias testproxy='~/installs/BrowserStackLocal -v $BROWSERSTACK_KEY localhost,12080,0'
  • In app root run mocha -R spec test
  • Notes:

Code Standards

Sublime Settings

The JavaScript linting for this project requires Sublime Text 3.

In Sublime Text 3 (ST3) install the following packages CMD + Shift + P:

  • SublimeLinter
  • SublimeLinter-jshint
  • SublimeLinter-jscs

Next make sure you globally install the following on your command line:

  • jshint npm install -g jshint
  • jscs (JavaScript Code Style Checker) npm -g install jscs
