I like to build class libraries (i.e. Postulate.Lite and TestDataGen), and I like to document them with links to source code line numbers and relevant top-level method info so that people have at least a chance of finding them useful for something. The problem is documentation is pretty hard to build manually much less keep updated -- especially as line numbers shift as a project evolves. There are lots of .NET documentation generators out there, but they don't do quite what I want. I've found that they build content that's hard to reuse elsewhere as well as being too voluminous, not lending itself to quick scanning -- something that would fit on a single page readme.
The purpose of this repo is to offer a library for analyzing C# code and returning an abstraction layer of model classes that can be used with any template mechanism. Ultimately, I want to generate GitHub markdown in a particular way for use in my own class library readmes, but to do that I need to get the Roslyn code analysis working.
I started looking at Roslyn for the first time seriously just yesterday, and I found it pretty forbidding. Yes it's amazingly cool, but I got stuck pretty quickly. This repo began as a sample project using this as a starting point. Be that as it may, what I really want at this point is to get the MarkdownBuilder.Engine.GetClassInfo method working. This is intended to return a list of classes in a SyntaxTree and all the related member and line number info. See ClassInfo -- this is what I really want to get populated through analyzing a SyntaxTree.