
Development repository for the mariadb cookbook

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MariaDB Cookbook

Build Status Cookbook Version


This cookbook contains all the stuffs to install and configure and manage a mariadb server on a dpkg/apt compliant system (typically debian), or a rpm/yum compliant system (typically centos)



  • mariadb - This cookbook need that you have a valid apt repository installed with the mariadb official packages


  • percona-xtrabackup - if you want to use the xtrabckup SST Auth for galera cluster.
  • socat - if you want to use the xtrabckup SST Auth for galera cluster.
  • rsync - if you want to use the rsync SST Auth for galera cluster.
  • debconf-utils - if you use debian platform family.

operating system

  • debian - this cookbook is fully tested on debian
  • ubuntu - this cookbook is fully tested on ubuntu
  • centos - this cookbook is fully tested on centos



Key Type Description Default
['mariadb']['install']['version'] String Version to install (currently 10.0 et 5.5) 10.0
['mariadb']['use_default_repository'] Boolean Whether to install MariaDB default repository or not. If you don't have a local repo containing packages, put it to true false
['mariadb']['server_root_password'] String local root password
['mariadb']['forbid_remote_root'] Boolean Whether to activate root remote access true
['mariadb']['allow_root_pass_change'] Boolean Whether to allow the recipe to change root password after the first install false
['mariadb']['client']['development_files'] Boolean Whether to install development files in client recipe true
['mariadb']['apt_repository']['base_url'] String The http base url to use when installing from default repository 'ftp.igh.cnrs.fr/pub/mariadb/repo'
['mariadb']['install']['prefer_os_package'] Boolean Indicator for preferring use packages shipped by running os false
['mariadb']['install']['prefer_scl_package'] Boolean Indicator for preferring packages from software collections repository false


To install a default server for mariadb choose the version you want (MariaDB 5.5 or 10, galera or not), then call the recipe accordingly.

List of availables recipes:

  • mariadb::default (just call server recipe with default options)
  • mariadb::server
  • mariadb::galera
  • mariadb::client
  • mariadb::devel

Please be ware that by default, the root password is empty! If you want have changed it use the node['mariadb']['server_root_password'] attribute to put a correct value. And by default the remote root access is not activated. Use node['mariadb']['forbid_remote_root'] attribute to change it.

Sometimes, the default apt repository used for apt does not work (see issue #6). In this case, you need to choose another mirror which worki (pick it from mariadb website), and put the http base url in the attribute node['mariadb']['apt_repository']['base_url'].


When installing the mariadb::galera on debian recipe, You have to take care of one specific attribute: node['mariadb']['debian']['password'] which default to 'please-change-me' As wee need to have the same password for this user on the whole cluster nodes... We will change the default install one by the content of this attribute.


By default this recipe installs the client, and all needed packages to develop client application. If you do not want to install development files when installing client package, set the attribute node['mariadb']['client']['development_files'] to false.


By default this recipe installs all needed packages to develop client application.


This recipe define several custom resources and providers:

  • Chef::Provider::Mariadb::Configuration shortcut resource mariadb_configuration


Mainly use for internal purpose. You can use it to create a new configuration file into configuration dir. You have to define 2 variables section and option. Where section is the configuration section, and option is a hash of key/value. The name of the resource is used as base for the filename.


mariadb_configuration 'fake' do
  section 'mysqld'
  option :innodb_buffer_pool_size => node['mysql']['innodb_buffer_pool_size'],
    :innodb_flush_method => node['mysql']['innodb_flush_method']

will become the file fake.cnf in the include dir (depend on your platform), which contain:


If the value start with a '#', then it's considered as a comment, and the value is printed as is (without the key)


mariadb_configuration 'fake' do
  section 'mysqld'
  option :comment1 => '# Here i am',
    :foo => bar

will become the file fake.cnf in the include dir (depend on your platform), which contain:

# Here i am


This LWRP is used to manage replication setup on a host. To use this LWRP, the node need to have the mysql binary installed (via the mariadb::client or mariadb::server or mariadb::galera recipe). It have 4 actions:

  • add - to add a new replication setup (become a slave)
  • stop - to stop the slave replication
  • start - to start the slave replication
  • remove - to remove the slave replication configuration

The resource name need to be 'default' if your don't want to use a named connection (multi source replication in MariaDB 10).

So by default the provider try to use the local instance of mysql, with the current root and password set in attribute node['mariadb']['server_root_password']. If you want to change, you have to define host, port, user or password

mariadb_replication 'default' do
  user 'root'
  password 'fakepass'
  host 'fakehost'
  action :stop

will stop the replication on the host fakehost using the user root and password fakepass to connect to.

When you add a replication configuration, you have to define at least 4 values master_host, master_user, master_password and master_use_gtid. And if you don't want the GTID support, you have to define also master_log_file and master_log_pos


mariadb_replication 'usefull_conn_name' do
  master_host 'server1'
  master_user 'slave_user'
  master_password 'slave_password'
  master_use_gtid 'current_pos'
  action :add

By default, resource doesn't change master if slave is running. If you want to let resource change slave settings for replication channel while slave is running use change_master_while_running property. When it's set to true slave settings will be changed if either one of master_host, master_port, master_user, master_password and master_use_gtid was changed.

Changes of only master_log_file and/or master_log_pos don't affect server if slave is already configured.


Manage databases and execute SQL queries on them. It works by establishing a control connection to the MariaDB server using the mysql2 chef gem (automatically installed). It has 3 actions:

  • create - to create a named database
  • drop - to drop a named database
  • query - to execute a SQL query

The full syntax of all of the properties that are available to the mariadb_database resource is:

mariadb_database 'name' do
  # Credentials for the control connection
  user                       String # defaults to 'root'
  host                       String # defaults to 'localhost'
  port                       String # defaults to node['mariadb']['mysqld']['port']
  password                   String # defaults to node['mariadb']['server_root_password'] 
  # The database to be managed
  database_name              String # defaults to 'name' if not specified
  encoding                   String # defaults to 'utf8'
  collation                  String # defaults to 'utf8_general_ci'
  sql                        String, Proc # the SQL query to execute 
  action                     Symbol # defaults to :create if not specified

When host has the value localhost, it will try to connect using the Unix socket defined in node['mariadb']['client']['socket'], or TCP/IP if no socket is defined.

# Create a database
mariadb_database 'wordpress-cust01' do
  host ''
  user 'root'
  password node['wordpress-cust01']['mysql']['initial_root_password']
  action :create
# Drop a database
mariadb_database 'baz' do
  action :drop
# Query a database
mariadb_database 'flush the privileges' do
  sql 'flush privileges'
  action :query

The query action will NOT select a database before running the query, nor return the actual results from the SQL query.


Manage users and grant them privileges on database objects. It works by establishing a control connection to the MariaDB server using the mysql2 chef gem (automatically installed). It has 4 actions:

  • create - to create a user
  • drop - to drop a user
  • grant - to grant privileges to a user
  • revoke - to revoke privileges from a user

The full syntax of all of the properties that are available to the mariadb_user resource is:

mariadb_user 'name' do
  # Credentials for the control connection
  ctrl_user                  String # defaults to 'root'
  ctrl_host                  String # defaults to 'localhost'
  ctrl_port                  String # defaults to node['mariadb']['mysqld']['port']
  ctrl_password              String # defaults to node['mariadb']['server_root_password'] 
  # The user to be managed
  username                   String # defaults to 'name'
  host                       String # defaults to 'localhost'
  password                   String, HashedPassword
  # The privileges to be granted/revoked
  privileges                 Array # defaults to [:all]
  database_name              String # to grant/revoke privileges on a database 
  table                      String # to grant/revoke privileges on a particular database table
  grant_option               true|false # defaults to false 
  require_ssl                true|false # defaults to false
  require_x509               true|false # defaults to false 
  action                     Symbol # defaults to :create if not specified
# Create an user but grant no privileges
mariadb_user 'disenfranchised' do
  password 'super_secret'
  action :create
# Create an user using a hashed password string instead of plain text one
mariadb_user 'disenfranchised' do
  password hashed_password('md5eacdbf8d9847a76978bd515fae200a2a')
  action :create

# Drop a user
mariadb_user 'foo_user' do
  action :drop

# Grant SELECT, UPDATE, and INSERT privileges to all tables in foo db from all hosts
mariadb_user 'foo_user' do
  password 'super_secret'
  database_name 'foo'
  host '%'
  privileges [:select,:update,:insert]
  action :grant


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Authors: Nicolas Blanc sinfomicien@gmail.com